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CABARRUS COMMUNITY CAMPAIGN F_QR INFANT SAFETY <br /> COMMUNITY CHILD PROTECTION TEAM GRANT <br /> <br />III. STATEMENT OF NEED <br /> <br />The Cabarms Community Children's Protection Team recit~s~s $50,000 for the purpose of carrying out an intensive <br />campaign for infant safety in Cabarrus County during the fall of 2000. The campaign will be designed to reach all <br />families but will focus especially on families who have been identified by social service and human service <br />agencies as difficult to contact and/or maintain contact with. The campaign will target five critical areas related to <br />the safe care of newborns and infants. As part of this program, the team will also plan and supervise the <br />distribution of child restraint devices and infant portacribs to families in need of these essential items of baby <br />equipment. <br /> <br />In the state fiscal year that spanned July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999, the following central registry statistics for <br /> <br />Cabarms: <br />Total Reports <br />Percentage of children 6 and under 47% <br />Percentage of reports substantiated 24.69% <br />Percentage of reports substantiated neglect 84% <br />Percentage of reports substantiated abuse 8% <br />Percentage of reports substantiated abuse and neglect 7% <br /> <br />1033 involving 2057 children <br /> <br />Of these reports: <br />22% were improper supervision <br />38% improper care / discipline <br />25% injurious environment <br />7% sexual abuse. <br />120 children were in the legal custody of Cabarms Social Services in March 2000. <br /> <br />As the above statistics indicate, Cabarrus County has had a significant record of child abuse and neglect. However, <br />until the fall of 1999, there had been no child deaths. In September and October 1999, two infants died in Cabarras <br />County as a result of family abuse and/or neglect. One infant, Kayla Ross, age three months, died of abuse inflicted <br />by her father. The second infant, Scan Tucker, 2 ½ months old, died as a result of asphyxiation while he was <br />sleeping on a couch with his grandfather. Social Services had an open Children's Protective Services investigation <br />at the time of the Sean's death that included the fact that the mother had poor parenting skills and that the baby did <br />not have a crib. He usually slept with mother and grandfather. OnMay 11 and 12, 2000, members of the Child <br />Protection Team carded out a Child Fatality Review, facilitated by Debm McHenry from the Division of Social <br />Services. The final report from the Child Fatality Review Team to be made public in August will include important <br />recommendations. One of these will be the need for educational methods to make contact earlier and more <br />effectively with young parents who are at risk of not providing appropriate care to their infants because of lack of <br />education, inexperience, substance abuse, poverty, etc. The project for which the CCPT is seeking grant support is <br />directly related to the team's report. We will develop strategies for reaching heretofore unreached parents and <br />family caregivers with critical information and equipment to insure each child's healthy, safe development and <br />carry out a campaign for infant safety. <br /> <br />The Child Protection Team is the appropriate organization to be selected to lead this project. <br /> 1. The Cabarms CCPT has high credibility in the community. It is an active, interdisciplinary group that <br /> includes representatives of all of the professions important to child protection. <br /> 2. The Cabarms CCPT has a solid history of achievements throughout its nine year history. Within the last 18 <br /> months, it has carried out two highly publicized Children's Vigils. The CCPT is associated in the county <br /> and in the Metrolina region as a leader in advocacy and efforts to protect children. <br /> 3. The CCPT recently completed a child fatality review and prepared an extensive report of their findings and <br /> recommendations. <br /> 4. The CCPT has a plan that will carry out its mission to reach unreached families with essential information <br /> to protect infants and equipment for families who do not have these items because of poverty. <br /> <br /> <br />