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SUMMARY (At,ch ~r e~ch component) ~.~,~.~.-.-,.,,~? ,-, ..... <br />Statement of the Problem:' In concise terminology, describe thejuvenilejustice problem the prograra <br />intends to address. <br /> <br />There seems to be a significant increase in juvenile crime. Forty percent (40%) of the offenses committed by <br />juveniles cause victims to experience personal injury, property damage and loss. The Juvenile Restitution <br />Program attempts to address the problems of juveniles committing offenses without being held accountable <br />for their actions. This problem, if lei~ unattended, will increase the probability of the juvenile becoming a <br />repeat offender, thus contributing to the overall increase in juvenile crime. <br /> <br />Peogram Goal: State the effect that the program is designed to have on solving the problem described above. <br /> <br />To provide an opportunity for juveniles to be held accountable for their behavior. The juvenile Restitution <br />Program is designed to address this by having juveniles work to earn restitution for their victims and/or <br />perform uncompensated community service. Another goal is to provide positive adult role models for the <br />juveniles, as well as reducing delinquent activities by youth while participating in the Pro. am. <br /> <br />Target Population: Describe the target population and the steps that the program has taken to insure that the <br />target population is served <br /> <br />Post-adjudicated juvenile offenders ages 10-16 who have been adjudicated on both violent and non-violent <br />offenses. Alt program participants are referred to this Program by the Juvenile Court Judges and Court <br />Counselors .... <br /> <br />Measm'able Objective(s): State in measurable terms the intended effect of the program on specific <br />undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. At a minimum, state anticipated reductions in court referrals, <br />runaway behavior, disruptive behavior ca school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. <br /> <br />1) To provide the vehicle whereby at least 80% of the referred juvenile offenders are held accountable for <br /> their actions. <br />2) To provide a structure through which 85% of juvenile offenders will interact and conlribute positively to <br /> their communities through interpersonal and work relationships. <br />3) To provide full or partial compensations, from the juveniles' work and earnings, to 85% ofthe victims of <br /> juvenile crime, as assessed by the Juvenile Court. <br />4) To provide the means whereby 85% of the total restitution/community service debt incurred by referred <br /> juvenile offenders and ordered by the court is earned or completed by the juveniles through responsible <br /> work activity. <br />5) To provide the opportunity for 80% of the referred juvenile offenders to successfully complete their <br /> restitution/community service in the time specified by the Court, or within the term of their probation. <br />6) To place 90% of juveniles referred at a worksite within six (6) weeks of receiving the referral. <br /> <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measureme~xt: List the data elements and records the program <br />will maintain to document its effectiveness. <br />· Files of program participants; referral forms, court order, work schedule, progress reports, client tracking <br /> form. <br />· Records of uncompensated community service hours. <br />· Records of computation of monies credited towardsjuvenile's restitution debt. <br />· JCPC reports and JCPC monthly management information system reports. <br /> <br /> <br />