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6. Work with families of these residents is done mainly by the DSS social worker. The social worker <br />begins by doing an assessment of the home setting including identifying problems that contributed to the <br />child's placement. A service agreement is then finalized between the parent(s) and social worker <br />identifying goals, time limits and activities to alleviate those problems. <br /> <br />Home visits with the family, as well as plan of care conferences at the home and office meetings at the <br />DSS, are held often between the social worker and the family. A visitation agreement is signed stating <br />when the child may visit, the length of the visit, and any special requirements for supervision during the <br />visit. Community referrals are made for families needing services through mental Health, Vocational <br />Rehabilitation, financial services, and housing services. Transportation by DSS social worker is provided <br />to the family in identifying problems, goal setting, problem solving, communication, reality-based therapy, <br />and parent-child relationships. Education is provided regarding parenting skills, child development, <br />budgeting, and other identified needs within the family. The family participates in staffings and review <br />team meetings and accompanies the social worker in assessing long-term placement plans if they do not <br />include a return home. <br /> <br />7. All children in the program will be responsible for maintaining their own laundry and keeping their room <br />clean. Children will be assigned household chores and inspections will be held once a week. All children <br />in the program attend public school and if they are suspended, they will follow a school schedule with <br />educational materials in the home. Individual privileges and activities according to the child's interests are <br />given daily unless the child is on restriction. Group acti¥ities are planned and the group decides on the <br />activity particularly for weekends. Children are permitted to visit with family if approved by their social <br />worker for the weekend. Group sessions for discussion are held regarding problems in peer relationships or <br />if there is a problem with the group interacting. Individual sessions are held by the director in working <br />with behaviors of the individual child. Plan of care meetings are held every two weeks where the child, <br />parent, court counselor, and social worker DSS meet with the staff of the home and discuss progress <br />towards goals with the child, both individual and family. Children are provided an allowance each week. <br />All children are involved in the Lutheran Family Services Teen Support Group which meets weekly, with <br />rotating themes of Service, Fellowship, Education and Recreation. All residents may participate in the <br />Boys Club and activities that the club provides in the community. Holidays and birthdays are <br />acknowledged with group participation and volunteers assisting with special occasions for the residents. <br /> <br />8. Clients leave the Lutheran program after their behaviors are stabilized and they are able to return home <br />or move into a long-term placement. The plan to terminate placement is determined by the DSS social <br />worker and staff at Lutheran. <br /> <br />Each client receives daily and weekly feedback as to their ability to move into a long-term placement and <br />discuss the goal to leave Lutheran is discussed at weekly plan of care meetings. Each client who moves <br />into a long-term placement is given a victory party to support their successful change in behaviors. <br /> <br /> <br />