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Campoaent.~Lame. T_ee~ Ce,,__~_. ~ <br />('Attach a page for each program componenO <br /> <br />* Client Capacity 14 Anticipated average length of stay 120 (days). <br /> <br />Estimated number of youth to be .s~rved d.uring funding period 42'. <br />Estimated average cost per youth ~ '7-Q"7, · <br /> <br />* Actual number of youth admitted last fiscal year: 15 <br /> <br /> 12 # of admissions Juvenile Court referred, 80 % of total admissions. <br /> <br /> 3 # of law enforcement referred, 20 % of total admissions. <br /> <br />[5~Program uses Client Tracking Forms [] Program Uses Quarterly & Annual Program <br /> Review <br />* if the funds being requested will be used for more than one program type please provide <br />this information for each component on a separate sheet. <br /> <br />In the space provided, please list each Measurable Obiective in your current program <br />agreement and indicate the degree to which your program has been successful in <br />achieving them. These objectives should include reductions in court referrals, runaway <br />behavior, disruptive behavior in school, improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. (Use data from program operation through December 3 Ist of current <br />funding year.) · O ~- O~>'tecb3J ~- · ~ qKe-~t~!~'5 <br />O1: a) Rec. 24 TC refs. by MFY. R: 10 rec.; b) 83%-accept. R: (9)-90%. c) 16 <br />successfully complete TC & have no contact w/OJJ, rec. no school discip, ac- <br />tions (suspen./expuls.), & show signif, improvements in home behavior w/in 1 <br />yr. of eompletlon. R: Per OJJ Client Tracking Report (7/1/99-12/31/99), of # <br />term. by MFY: 91%-no home probs.; 82%-reduct., elim., or no school probs.; 91% <br />no new Ct. probs. 0:2:6 refs. to RESOLVE (lifeskills classes) by MFY to <br />prevent future involvement w/TC or O J J; 5 to accept; 4 successful completions <br />by MFY. R: Ist classes are to be 6/6/-8/1/00 (skip wk. of 7/4/00) See A# 3. <br />03: Maintain 50% of youth vols. already trained; train add. 25 by MFY; 50% <br />vol. for 2 or > sessions; 2 serv. on the Adv. Bal. or in other ways. R: Aver. <br />40 youth vols. attend TC sessions; addit. 56 were trained by MFY; 3 on Adv. <br />Bal.; 6 attended state TC conference. 04: Offer TC to the community as an al- <br />ternative to Juv. Ct. (at least 1/2 ref. from O,IJ). R: Done. See Ag 2. <br /> <br />Describe how program will obtain and analyze data to determine clients court <br />involvement 1 year following termination from the program. <br />The TC Coordinator already performs exit interviews on those participants <br />who successfully complete the program. As the first referrals were accepted <br />in 9/98 & the first hearing was conducted in 12/98, many of those who began <br />participation in TC from 9/98-6/30/99 have just now reach~l I year after prog- <br /> ;ram participation. Plans areto survey the youth/custodians/referral sources <br />as to any Court involvement w/in l yr. of program completion. See A# 2. <br /> <br /> <br />