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Component Name _o_E~$OT~ ~xrE <br />(Attach a page.for each prograr~ component) <br /> <br />* Client Capacity 10 Anticipated average length of stay 63 (days). <br /> <br />Estimated number of youth to be served during funding period 20' . <br />Estimated average cost per youth .~ ,~) '~ <br /> <br />* Actual number of youth admitted last fiscal year:0 <br /> <br />0 # of admissions Juvenile Court referred, 0 % of total admissions. <br /> <br />0 # of law enforcement referred, <br /> <br />0 % oftotaladmissions. <br /> <br />[~]Program uses Client Tracking Forms [] Program Uses Quarterly & Annual Program <br /> Review <br />* if the funds being requested will be used for more than one program type please provide <br />this information for each component on a separate sheet. <br /> <br />In the space provided, please list each Measurable Obiective in your current program <br />agreement and indicate the degree to which your program has been successful in <br />achieving them. These objectives should include reductions in court referrals, nmaway <br />behavior, disruptive behavior in school, improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. (Use data from program operation through December 31st of current <br />funding year.) <br />Objective: to have 12 youth to successfully complete RESOLVE <br />( 8-week lifeskills curriculum) by year end, 6 of by mid-FY. <br />Results: due to focusing on achieving an increase in Teen Ct. referrals & <br />a vacancy of over two months with the Teen Court Coordinator position, <br />RESOLVE was delayed. The first classes are scheduled to be from 6/6/2000 - <br />8/I/2000, skipping the week of July 4th. See Ag 3. <br /> <br />Describe how program will obtain and analyze data to determine clients court <br />involvement 1 year following termination from the program. <br />The TC & RESOLVE Coordinator will perform pre-program interviews on parti- <br />cipants and post-program exit interviews on those completing the program. <br />Release of information forms will be signed when referrals are accepted which <br />will allow follow-up contact with youth & family, follow up contact with the <br />youth's school, & with OJJ officials in order to ascertain whether the <br />initial presenting negative behaviors & attitudes have persisted, been <br />reduced, or eliminated within one year of RESOLVE completion. <br /> <br /> <br />