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Component Name ID# <br />(Attach a page for each program component) <br /> <br />*Client Capacity 25 Anticipated average length of stay as needed for duration of school year. <br /> <br />Estimated number of youth to be served during funding period 50. <br />Estimated average cost per youth <br /> <br />*Actual number of youth admitted last fiscal year: 117 <br /> <br />I.17 # of admissions Juvenile Court referred, 17 % of total admissions. <br /> # of law enforcement referred, % of total admissions. <br /> <br />[] Program uses Client Tracking Foims [] Program Uses Quarterly & Annual Program Review <br /> <br />*if the funds being requested will be used for more than one program type please provide this <br />information for each component on a separate sheet. <br /> <br />Evaluation of Measurable Objectives (current fiscal year) <br /> <br />In the space provided, please list each Measurable Obiective in your current program agreement and <br />indicate the degree to which your program has been successful in achieving them. These objectives <br />should include reductions in court referrals, runaway behavior, disruptive behavior in school, improved <br />school attendance and academic achievement. (Use data from program operation through December 31st <br />of current funding year.) <br /> <br />· To work with 100% of students identified as at-risk, undisciplined or delinquent to improve school <br /> attendance and behavior. <br />· To work with 100% of identified pregnant teens and 100% of mothering teens to reduce the second <br /> pregnancy rate and reduce the dropout rate of pregnant or mothering teens. <br />· To work as a team member with 100% of emotionally/mentally compromised students to reduce the <br /> recidivism rate of teens already in the juvenile court system. <br />· To develop a functioning interdisciplinary team to meet the needs of students who are at-risk, <br /> undisciplined or delinquent. <br />· The school nurses worked as a team member with other school staff; court counselor and resources <br /> office to identify and work with 56 students for suspension/discipline; 45 for truancy; 11 for sexual <br /> activity/pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases prevention; 3 for substance abuse and 17 from <br /> court referral or law enforcement referral. <br /> <br />Recidivism. .: . <br />Describe how program will obtain and analyze data to determine clients court involvement 1 year <br />fottowing termination from the program. <br /> <br />The school nurse will keep list of all students served and request recidivism information from the <br />court counselor. <br /> <br /> <br />