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,,-::;:- ~ .<. COMPONEN~S!JMMAR¥1(~flacliJ~r~eaclicom~one~O~~ <br />Statement of the Problem: In concise terminology, describe the juvenile justice problem the program <br />intends to address. <br /> The Cabarrus Health Alliance will provide a home and school based prevention and early intervention <br /> program for Kannapolis Middle School students at-risk of school dropout, substance abuse, criminal <br /> behaviors, and teen pregnancy. The seeds of these problems are frequently sown during early adolescence and <br /> are demonstrated by adolescents in middle schools as: discipline problems, poor problem solving skills and <br /> lack of respect for teachers, parents and other authority figures. Coupled with these concerns are often family <br /> problems such as substance abuse, parent-child conflicts, abuse and/or neglect, and lack of follow-through <br /> with treatment for physical and/or emotional problems. <br /> <br />The school nurse and the court counselor assigned to this school will work as a team along with the school <br />staffand community agencies to identity at-risk students and develop an individualized school and home <br />intervention plan for each student. <br /> <br />Program Goal: State the effect that the program is designed to have on solving the problem described above. <br />The program goal is to reduce the incidence of students determined to be undisciplined or delinquent by <br />providing an early identification and intervention program at Kannapolis Middle School. Studies have <br />demonstrated that the middle school years represent society's last best chance to reclaim millions of youth. <br />The school nurse and court counselor will collaborate with school staffand other resources to target <br />adolescents who have complex problems (alcohol, drug abuse, pregnancy, emotional/behavioral problems, <br />etc.) and provide one-to-one help to reduce risk behaviors and foster positive outcomes. <br /> <br />Target Population: Describe the target population and the steps that the program has taken to insure that the <br />target population is served. <br />Cabarrus County adolescents aged 10 to 18 years enrolled at Kannapolis Middle School are the target <br />population. Highest priority will be given to students who are: frequently truant, already known to the juvenile <br />justice system, or Department of Social Services, pregnant or parenting, or who have received in school <br />suspensions or other disciplinary action. At-risk students will be referred to the school nurse by school <br />personnel, community agencies (i.e., mental health, DSS, Health Alliance, physicians, court system, campus <br />resource officers and others). <br /> <br />To insure that the target population is served the school nurse and court counselor will meet on a weekly basis. <br />The nurse and the court counselor will initiate this program by conducting orientation sessions for faculty and <br />staffand for the interdisciplinary team that meets regularly to coordinate services for special needs children. <br />Parent orientation to the program will be accomplished by presentations at PTSO meetings and articles in <br />parent newsletters. <br /> <br />Measurable Objective(s): State in measurable terms the intended effect of the program on specific <br />undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. At a minimttm, state anticipated reductions in court referrals, <br />ntnaway behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. <br />· To work with 100% of students identified as at-risk, undisciplined or delinquent to improve school <br /> attendance and behavior <br />, To work with 100% of identified pregnant teens and 100% of mothering teens to reduce the second <br /> pregnancy rate and reduce the dropout rate of pregnant or mothering teens. <br />· To work as a team member with 100% of emotionally/mentally compromised students to reduce the <br /> recidivism rate of teens already in the juvenile court system. <br />· To develop a functioning interdisciplinary team to meet the needs of students who are at-risk, <br /> undisciplined or delinquent. <br /> <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement: List the data eleme~ts and records the program <br />will maintain to document its effectiveness. <br />· Will utilize schools "SIMS" system (Students Information/Maintenance System). <br />· Tracking system of student absenteeisnVcheck-in/check-out records. <br />· Tracking system of student suspension and expulsion. <br />· Tracking of teen pregnancies and teen mothers. <br />· Utilization of the juvenile court records of teen enrolled in each middle school campus, <br /> <br /> <br />