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08/27/2800 18:14 CABARRUS CO. PARKS $ RECREATION ~ 9?888858 NO.9~l Q05 <br /> <br />County,. Cir~ and Children's Home representatives shall meet to review and evaluate <br />design and development proposals print to incorporating such proposals into the final <br />plans, it being the intention of the parties that the County, City and Children's Home, <br />through their respective elected bolds, shall appcove the Park concept plan and <br />development schedule and significant modifications thereof. <br /> <br /> 3.2 Future DeveloomenL It is the inten6on of the pa. rtiei that i~ addigon t~ <br />the initial Pm'k development, th~ quality of the Park and it~ development shall continue <br />as an engoln~ County park improvement project throughou~ tho t~rm of the Lease and <br />any extension thereof. .... <br /> <br /> However, if the Property shall cease to be used by the Count~ u a park for the <br />bene~t of its citizens as set forth in Section 3.0 hereof, the Property shall, upou the <br />elapse of six months ~om date the Property shall cease to be so used, automatically <br />revert to the possession of the Children's Home or its deslgn~ted successor or assign. <br /> <br /> Article IV. Park Operations <br /> <br /> 4.0 ~.~. The County ~hal! manage, operate and supervise use <br />of ~e Park and facilities, contained ~erein for tb~ b~nerit of. ~e public subj~c~ to such <br />joint us~ agreement as may b~ executed between th~ p~i~s or third p~s. · <br /> <br /> 4, I .P_~. Th~ County shall provide, promote, administer and <br />operate recreational facilities, programs and services in the Park consistent with other <br />County p~ks and r~creation~l facilities inclusive of o~rational hours. <br /> <br /> 4.2 Third Party A_ereements. The County may execute such agreements it <br />deems necessary or advisable for the provision of programs and s~rvices in or at the <br />Park and its facilities, <br /> <br /> 4.3 ~L.aZlt_CJ~Lrg~. The County shall adopt a uniform schedule of fees and ' <br />ch~'ges for use of Park facilities or participation in Park programs ~nd services. Ail <br />fees and charges colle'ct~d shgl be ~e sole property of the County, <br /> <br /> 4.4 o~::.q.~g. The City shall initiate such zoning petition or petitions, if any, <br />n~cessary to effect a zoning of the Park property .consistent with the uses contemplated <br />by this agreement, <br /> <br />Article ¥. Park Maintenance and Security <br /> <br /> :5.0 P~rk Security. The County shall maintain and provid~ reasonable security <br />for the Park as par~ of its park system consistent with other County parks and <br />recreational facilities. <br /> <br />Page <br /> <br /> <br />