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2060 11:27A~ Fu~NN <br /> <br />Quarterly reportin8 will commence with the submission of the fu~t repozt in. the first <br />we~k of.January, 2001 with tt~ee additional pro~rammccl r~ports to follow in thc first <br />week of April, 2001, July, 2001 and October, 2001; and <br /> <br />iL Qu~.rterly reports shall include, but ~ not limited tn, the following information: <br /> <br />the ~xpericn~ of tach of'the five local government ju,dsdtctions w~th UDO <br />administr~on; <br />examples of any tmprove~nants over previous ordtn~mces; <br />examples of any increased problems compared to previous ordinanees; <br />examples of any hardships or difficulties eXl~'icnced by property owners, <br />builders and developms that w~re unforeseen; <br />zecommended arn~dmcnts to correct problcrm cxpcricn~-~d; end <br />recommended amendments to expand or enhance the UDO. <br /> <br />The prof~sional staffs of Cabarms County, thc City of Concord, the CiV of <br />Kannapolis, the Town of H~risburg and the Town of Mount Pl~esant will monitor <br />and evaluate the impleramtation of the Unified D~velopmcnt Ordinance for thc <br />purpose o£ prepari~g the reporls, includ~g co~-anunic~rtions with the local b~Iding <br />and development fi~l~stry; and <br /> <br />The elected officials of Cabarrus County, the City of Concord, the City of <br />Karmapolis, the Town of Harrisburg and the Town of Mount Pleasant i~.,'ther agree <br />that future amendment of thc UniEcd Development Orclinmce wilt bc conductsd as <br />follows: <br /> <br />a. ac such time dial an ammdm~nt is prepared for consideration by one of the local <br /> jurisdictions, the manager and plan,-~ng director of each of the other jurisdic~.ions <br /> will be provided a cop'/of the proposed emendmant, not less than 30 days prior to <br /> any public hearing on the proposed amendment, for review and comment; <br />b. comments received from any oftlm.oth~r four jurisdictions, m well es f'~lur~ to <br /> comment on the pm of a~y jurisdictions, shall be x~rported to the planning board <br /> and elected officials ot'th~jurisdiction proposin~ th~ am~dmcnt and <br /> incorporat~ into th~ record of any public hearin~ or other public meeting at <br /> which suck arae~dm~ut is to be consider~ <br />c. ~e proposkng jurisdiction shall accepl commen~s tom ~he o~r jurisdictions as <br /> tn..~rmation, bu~ shall riel be bound by the comm~n~s ~o eith~ approve or deny <br /> approval for ~he prol~sed ara~dment; and <br />d. upon adopting an ordinanc~ to amend the Unified Development Ordinsace, each <br /> jurisdiction adopting the amendment shall provide the nu~a~r and planning <br /> director oi'~ach o~'th~ other tour jurisdictions a signed copy of thc amemim~nt <br /> within 30 days of adoption. <br /> <br /> <br />