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APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COmmITTEeS <br /> <br />Caba~rus County Pa=ks ~d Recreation C~4~s~on (F~-a~olis School Board <br /> <br /> ~ON ~TI~ of Co~isstoner Privette, seconded by Chai~an Fe~el and <br />~i~usly carried, the Board appointed Mr. Lee Efird to the ~apolis <br />School Boa~ position on =he Cabar~s Co~ty Parks ~d Recreation Co~ission <br />as reco~ended by the F~-apolis School Board. Mr. ~fird will co. lets an <br />unsuited =e~ endtn~ on J~ua~ 31, 2001, <br /> <br /> Ms. Linde Jonson previously held the pos~tton~ however, her te~ on <br />~e ~apol~s School Board e~ed on May 31, 2000. <br /> <br />Cenbralina De~elo~ent ~o~orat~ Board <br /> <br /> ~ON ~TION of Co~issioner Ca.enter, seconded by Co~ssioner <br />Privet=e ~d ~i~usl7 carried, the Board appointed <br />the Centralina Development Co.oration Board to co.lets <br />end~ng on J~e 30, 2001. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mis=~ will fill ~he position to which Dr. Raphael Dixon was <br />appointed on May 1~, 2000. Dr. D~xon ~s no longer a resident of C~ar~s <br />Co~ty. <br /> <br /> The Board deferred the appointment of the alienate to the <br />Region P Agin~ ~viso~ Co~i==ee un=il =he Board ~eting in Septe~er. <br /> <br /> On J~e 19, 2000, the Board appoint~ Ms. Bobbie S. Beam to the ~ult <br />Care Home Co~ty Adviso~ Co~=t~e. Ms. Be~ has a family in an <br />adult care home, thus ~k~ng her ineligible Zo se~e on t~t co~ittee. <br /> <br /> ~ON MOTION of Chai~ Fe~el, seconded by Co~issioner Cementer and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed M~. Bobbie S. Beam to 2he Nursing <br />Home C~unity ~viso~ Co~ittee for an ~n[t~al te~ of one year endin~ <br />AU~S~ 31, 2001. <br /> <br />~ult Care Home C~ihy Adv~so~ <br /> <br /> ~ON MOTION of Chai~an Fe~el, seconded by Co~ssioner Ca. enter <br />~imously carried, the Board reappointed Ms. Ga~l Hall to 2he ~ul~ Care <br />Home Co~ity Adviso~ Co~ttee for a te~ of three year8 ~ding Au~st 31, <br />2003. <br /> <br /> ~ON HOTION of Chai~n Fe~el, seconded by Co~ssioner <br />unani~usly carried, the Board waived 2he dual m~ership Dr~ision of the <br />Co~ty's Appointment Policy and reappointed Ms. Martha E. T. Hagood =o the <br />Adult Care Home Comity ~viso~ Co~i~tee for a te~ of three years ending <br /> <br />Aging Adviso~ <br /> <br />~ansporbat~on Adv~so~ Boa~ <br /> <br /> ~ON ~TION of Chai~an Fe~el, seconded by Com~ssioner ~rivetbe and <br />unani~usly carried, 2he Board approved the following appointments ~o the <br />~anspor=abion Adviso~ Board. <br /> <br /> Deparbmen~ of ~ing - Ms. Sus~ Donaldson Te~ ending J~e 30, 200~ <br /> Social se~ic~s - Mr. James Polk - Te~ ending J~e 30, 2003 <br /> LIFE Center - Ms. SUS~ Caudle - Une~ired rem ending ~e 30, 2002 <br /> <br /> Ms. Caudle will replace Ms. Thel~ Freeze who has retired as the <br />Execu~ive Director of ~he Col2r~e LIF~ Center. <br /> <br />The Board received a Memorandum from Hr. Blair Bennett showin9 the <br /> <br /> <br />