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ended June 30, 2000. This was an increase of 15.66 percent over Fiscal Year <br />1998-1999. <br /> <br />Report on Bathe1 anH Ode11 Blementaz~ Schools - Kelly Si~forH <br /> <br /> Ms. Kelly Sifford, Senior Planner, prssentsd information concerning an <br />evaluation of the Bethel and Odell Elementary Schools and potential reuses of <br />the facilities. The information included educational inadequacies of the two <br />schools, water and sewer availability and estimated renovation costs to reuse <br />the facilities for recreation. She advised that Martin Boa1 Anthony & <br />Johnson, Architscts, had subm/tted a proposal in the amount of $13,500.00 to <br />make a full assessment of the two school facilities. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton recommended that ~he County not spend any funds at this <br />time to assess the condition of the existing Bethel and Odell facilities. He <br />statsd it would be three to five years for the schools to be replaced. <br /> <br /> There was discussion about the potential reuse of the two school <br />properties, the formation of a citizens group in each area to look at <br />potential reuses, the expense of renovating and maintaining the buildings in <br />the future and the value of the property for co~mercial purposes. <br /> <br /> The Board agreed to consider at its September meeting the formation of <br />co~unity citizen groups to evaluate options for the reuse of the Odsll and <br />Bethel Elementary Schools. <br /> <br />Unified Development Ordinance Update and Bchedule of Future Heatings <br /> <br /> Mr. Marshall distributed the firs= ~hree articles of the proposed <br />Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) that have been approved by the Steering <br />Committee. He explained the review process for the draft UDO and outlined <br />the schedule of upcoming meetings. He asked the Board to schedule a public <br />hearing on the draft UDO on either September 18 during the regular meeting or <br />at a separate meeting on September 25. <br /> <br /> The Board by consensus set the public hearing on the UDO during its <br />regular meeting on September 18, 2000. Further, the Board agreed to meet on <br />Thursday, September ?, at ?=00 p.m. with the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />for a joint workshop on the Droposed UDO. <br /> <br /> At 8:35 p.m., Chairman Fennel opened the meeting for Informal Public <br />Comments. There was no one present to address the Board, and Chairmall Fennel <br />closed that portion of the meeting. <br /> <br />COMMISSIONERS DI~CUSBION & R~SPONSE TO INFORMAL PUBLIC CO~fENTS (if-needed) <br /> <br /> Commission~r Casper again expressed appreciation to staff and <br />volunteers for assisting with the National Association of Counties Annual <br />Conference that was held in Charlotte in ~uly. She paid special reco~nition <br />to Mr. Stephen Lipscomb, Public Information Coordinator, for his assistance <br />with the conference. <br /> <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman <br />Fennel recessed the meeting at 8:40 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, <br />September 7, 2000, in ~he Multipurgose Room at the Governmental Center. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />