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The Board of Com~issioners for the County of Cabarrus met in recessed <br />session in the Multipurpose Room at the Cabarrus County Governmental Center <br />in Concord, North Carolina, on Thursday, September ?, 2000, at ?:00 p.m. <br /> <br /> Present - chairman~ ' Arn~ L. Fennel <br /> Vice Chairman= Carolyn B. CaIl~enter <br /> Commissioners: Jeffrey L. Barnhart <br /> Sue B. Casper <br /> Absent - Com,dssioner: Coy C. Privette <br /> <br /> Also present were Mr. Frank W. Clifton, Jr. 0 County Manager; Mr. <br />Fletcher L. Hartsell, Jr., County Attorney (portion of the meeting); Mr. <br />Michael BUrgher, Attorney with Hartsell, Nar~se11 & White; Mr. John Day, <br />Deputy County Manager for O~erations; and Nra. Frankie F. Bonds, Clerk to the <br />Board. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel was absent for the beginning of the meeting. Vice <br />Chairman Carpenter presided in his absence and called the meeting to order at <br />?=09 p.m. <br /> <br /> Con~niseioner Barnhart asked that the Board consider the appointment of <br />Ms. Gayle Deal to the Rowan-Cabarrus Co,unity College Board of Trustees to <br />fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Ben Mynat=. <br /> <br /> ~IPON MOTION of Commissioner Casper, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart <br />with Com~issioners Casper and Barnhart and Vice Chairman Carpenter voting <br />for, the Board appointed Ms. Gayle Deal to the Rowan-Cabarrus Community <br />College Board of Trustees to complete an unexpired term ending July 1, 2001. <br /> <br />Joint Msetin~ with the Cabarrus Count}, Plannin~ and Zonin~ C~v..-H~sion <br /> <br /> Mr. Ed Hill, Chairman of the Cabarrus County P]~n~ng and Zoning <br />Commission, called ~o order the special meeting of th~ Planning and Zoning <br /> <br />B. Hobhs, Dewey H. Moose° Jr., Carl Hill and Clyde M. Drys, Jr. Staff <br />me~bers present ~ncluded Mr. Jonathan Marshall, Planning Services Director; <br />Mr. Mike Do,ns, Development Services Director; and Mr. Rodger Lentz, Senior <br />Planner. <br /> <br /> At the rsquest of Mr. Marshall, the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />considered and approved a prsliminary subdivision as presented. <br /> <br />Schedulin~ of Presentation - Count~ Ex~osi~on Center Pro~ert~ Master P~an <br /> <br /> ~. Marshall advised that Leisure and Recreation Concepts (LARC} has <br />completed the proposed Master Plan for the County Ex~oeition Center property. <br />Company officials will be in Concord on September 29 to present the proposed <br />Master Plan to the Board of Commissioners and other interested parties. <br /> <br /> vice Chairman Carpenter and Ccmm/seioners Barnhart and Casper indicated <br />they would bs available during the morning of September 29 to meet with LARC <br />representatives. Mr. Marshall will discuss this presentation with Chairman <br />Fennel and schedule a time for the meeting. <br /> <br />Un~fis~ Development Ordinance <br /> <br /> Mr. Marshall advised that the Unified Development ordinance (UDO] <br />Steering Committee had voted September 6 tc recommend the adoption of the <br />proposed UDO. He explained that the local jurisdictions must approve a <br />Memorandum of Understandin~ prior to adopting the UDO and that there would be <br />a continuing review of the ordinance. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lentz reviewed the timeline for the development of the UDO. The <br />joint process by the County and the local municipalities began in late 1997 <br />and included the following activities: 1998 - appointm~nt of a Steering <br />Committee and initial community input; 1999 - review of first draft; and <br />January-August 20~0 - review and editing of the final draft. The 15-member <br />Steering Committee ~uided the UDO review process and consisted of elected and <br />appointed government officials, citize~s, developers and business owners from <br />all five local governments. <br /> <br /> Mr. Marshall presented an overview of the proposed UDO and outlined a <br />uumber of the major differences between the proposed ordinance and existing <br /> <br /> <br />