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DRAFT <br />ordinances. These d/fferencee ~nvolved :he follow~ng~ Supplemental use <br />re~ula=ione; parkin~ regu~a~ione~ landscapin~ requ~rements~ si~n ordinances~ <br />Overlay Dis~ric=s; and adequate public facilities prov~eions. Also, Mr. <br />Mar~hall s~a~ed there would be a change in zoning die~r~c=s =o re~lec~ new <br />zoning categories. However, he explained there would not be a change ~n the <br />overall concept and =he zoning chan~ee would be as close a change from <br />existing districts ~o dis=rices under =he new ordinance. Mr. Marshall <br />reiterated that the UDO would be continually under review and outlined <br />process that =he Cou/lty and ~he local munic~pali=ies would follow ~n amending <br />the ordinance after ~s adoption. Finally, Mr. Marshall pointed out <br />proposed UDO includes no~ only =h~ Zoning Ordinance bu~ also =he Subdiv~ston <br />RegulaC~ons, Mobile Home Park ordinance and the Se~imen=ation and Erosion <br />Control Ordinance. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel arrived a~ 8:05 p.m. and preside~ over =he remainder of <br />=he meeting. He apologized for h~s late arrival due to a flat <br /> <br /> Staff responded =o a number of ques~on~ r~garding the proposed UDO. <br />Specific ~ssu~s discussed by the Board and =he Planning and Zoning Commission <br />~ncluded the following= (1) Preparation of landscape plans~ (2) <br />in an Agriculture zon~ (3) Development of a minor subdivision& (~) Review <br />and input by =he Real Estate and Bu~ldin~ Indus=fy Coalition of Charlotte and <br />representatives of =he Cabarrus County Building Indus=fy Association in <br />development of =he UDO~ (S) Es=ablishmen~ and responsibilities of Homeowner's <br />Assoctations~ (6) Failure of a package =rea=men= plant in ~he Poplar ~enC <br />area an~ respone~bili=y for maintaln~ng such plants~ {?) Enforcement of <br />covenants for existing subdivisions; (8) Upcoming vote on the Midland <br />incorporation issue and related zoning issues in that community; (9) Lack of <br />public participation at scheduled public meetings to review and discuss the <br />proposed UDO; {10) Amount of land that is currently deferred for agricultural <br />use; (11) Potential impacts of adoption of the UDO; (12) Adequate public <br />facility provisions; (13) Recent Texas court case concerning exclusionary <br />zoning and adequate housing issues; and (14) Continuing review of the UDO <br />upon its adop~ion. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Barnhart left the meeting at 8:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> The Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend <br />approval of the proposed UDO with the condition that the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission's agenda each month would contain an update section concerning the <br />UDO. <br /> <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman <br />Fennel adjourned the mee=ing at 8:50 p.m. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />