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COUNTY OF ,~,OWAN <br /> <br /> ENERGY DIVISION <br /> NORTH CAROLINA 0EPARTMENT <br /> OF COMMERCE A, nd <br />SRCSC Inc. <br /> <br />HEATING APPLIANr~ ~crAl~ <br />REPLACEMENT PROGRAM (ANNUAL CONTRACT) <br /> <br />CONTRACT NUMBER- 00-,t427-38 <br /> <br />PART <br /> <br />This AGREEMENT made this 1st day of July ., 2000, ? and between the '" <br /> Salisbury-Rowah Community Service cour{~e~inafter reterred to as the "Grantee") <br />and Cabarr.~,S County DeDt. Of , [hereinafter referred to as <br />"Contractor"). <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 Title XXV[ of Public <br />Law 97-35, Title 4§ CFR, Part 96, Subl~art H provides for a Heating Appliance Rel~ir and <br />Replacement Program(HARRP) to assist in achieving a prescribed level of energy conservation <br />materials in the homes of Iow-income persons; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, The Energy Division, North Carolina Department of Commerce, has been <br />designated as the agency of the State of North Carolina responsible for administering ail <br />federal funds related to the HARRP; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Energy Division, North Carolina Department of Commerce <br />assistance of Ioca[ community organizations within the State of North <br />implementing the HARRP in North Carolina; and -=.~".' · <br /> <br />desires the <br />Carolina in <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to reduce the terms of this agreement to writing; <br /> <br /> NOW THEREFORE, in consideration for the promises exchanged between both parties, <br />the Grantee and the Contractor do mutually agree as follows: <br /> <br /> Section 1: Purpose of Agreement. The purpose of this agreement is to provide for the <br />undertaking of a Heating Appliance Repair and Replacement Program (hereinafter referred to <br />as the Program), particularly for those persons with no heating system or those that are <br />Weatherization Assistance Program referrals in North Carolina by the Contractor; and to state <br />the terms, conditions, and mutual undertakings of the parties as to the manner in which the <br />Program will be undertaken and completed. <br /> <br /> Section 2: Scooe of. Program. The Contractor shall deveiop and complete the Program <br />as described in Par~ Ill, which is incorporated into this contract as if written word for word <br />herein, filed with and approved by the Grantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of <br />this contract. <br /> <br /> Section 3: Period o_~f Performance. The Contractor shall commence performance of this <br />contract on the 1st day of July, 2000, and shall complete the Program with ail practicable <br />dispatch in a sound, economical, and efficient manner to the satisfaction of the Grantee no <br />later than the 30 th day of June, 2001. <br /> <br /> <br />