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Section 4.: Cost of program. In order to assist the Contractor in financing the cost of <br />the Program, the Grantee wilt pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed the following: <br /> <br />A.) Heating Appliance Repair and Replacement Program <br /> <br />Administration $ .. 700.00 <br />Program Support ~. ' 4',280.00 <br />Materials $ 7 ~ 200.00 <br /> <br />Total J $ 12., 180.00 J <br /> <br />These funds shall be drawn down monthly based on actual expenditures. In no evefit shall <br />expenditures exceed the authorized budget for subpart A. <br /> <br />B.) Budget Adjustments <br /> <br /> Budget Line item expenditures must conform with the approved budget as outlined <br /> above for subpart A. During the contract period, a Request for Budget Revision (Line item <br /> transfer) must be submitted for approval by the grantee prior to any line item overage. Minor <br /> line item adjustments necessary to reconcil'e the budget with final actual expenditures within <br /> subpart .Amay be initiated without prior approval within .4.5..d_.ays of contract termination. <br />':"";'"':'~owever;~in'.no~'eve~t-'shall'ad~nini~tr~fi~/e'e-~ridi~U'r-eS in Subpart'-A--~x~eed-the 6% maximum <br /> available for administrative costs. Further, no more than 45% of total contract expenditures <br /> on subpart A, less administration and liability insurance, may be for program support under <br /> this contract. <br /> <br /> Section 5: Contracts Under This Agreement. Unless otherwise authorized in writing by <br />the Grantee, the Contractor shall not assign any portion of the work to be performed under <br />this agreement or execute any contract amendments or change order thereto, or execute any <br />third party consulting contracts, or obligate itself in any manner to any third party with <br />respect to its rights and responsibilities under this agreement without the prior written <br />concurrence of the Grantee. <br /> <br />Section 6: Establishment, Maintenance, and Accumulation of Accounting Records and <br />Program Goals. <br /> (A) 1. The Contractor shall maintain such records and accounts including <br />property, personnel, financial, and program records, as are deemed necessary by the Grantee <br />to assure a proper accounting for all program funds. These records will be made available for <br />the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions to the Grantee, the <br />Comptroller General of the United States or any authorized representative and will be retained <br />by the Contractor for three {3) years after the expiration of this contract unless permission to <br />destroy them is granted by the Grantee. <br /> <br /> <br />