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PART III (of 3 Parts) <br /> <br />A.) Heating Apl31iance Repair and Replacement Program The following shall apply to the <br />Heating Appliance Repair and Replacement Program as noted in Part I, Section 4A: <br /> <br /> Section 1: Pro?jram Guidance. The Grantee shall provide to the Contractor copies of all <br />rules and regulations, instructions, and other documents pertaining to the Program. In no <br />instance shall the Contractor take action on any rule, regulation, or instructive printed in the <br />Federal Register or other document, without first notifying the Grantee of such intention. In <br />the event that rules, regulations, 'or procedures are revised or amended, the Grantee will <br />forward such revisions or amendments to the Contractor and thereby make them a part of this <br />Agreement. <br /> <br /> Section 2: Certification of'Applicants. The Contractor shall give priority to identifying <br />and providing assistance under this Program to those persons in no heat situations, and/or <br />those that are Weatherization Assistance Program client referrals and tO provide 'assist~hc~ t~ <br />those persons whose income is at or below 150% of the poverty level as determined by the <br />Office of Management and Budget, or who received cash assistance payments, under Title IV <br />or XVI of the Social Security Act or other appiicable State or local law. Applicants must have <br />received assistance during the preceding. 12 months in which HARRP funds are being <br />appropriated. The Contractor must certify the eligibility of each household by completing the <br />HHS Homeowner Certification.Form, EIA-29D. Eligibility shall be certified no tess than six (6) <br />months prior to receipt of'HARRP assistance.' In those instances where dwellings are not <br />owned by the .applicant,..,the Contractor shall execute an Agreement for Participation for <br />Leased Dwellings. The Contractor must also obtain a Release Work Order from the applicant <br />prior to the actual HARRP activities. <br /> <br /> Section 3: Prioritization of Client Categories. The Contractor shall give priority to <br />identifying and providing assistance under this Program to those persons in no heat situations <br />and/or those that are Weatherization Assistance Program client referrals. The Grantee has <br />established statewide completion goals of 55% elderly, 10% handicapped and 35% other. <br />The contractor shall, to the maximum extent practicable, attempt to meet these percentage <br />goals. <br /> <br /> Section 4: Limitation of Expenditures. Expenditures for completion of the HARRP <br />Program shall not exceed 6% for administrative costs, nor shall program support cost be more <br />than 45% of total expenditures minus administration and liability insurance, under Part I, <br />section 4A of this contract. Expenditures exceeding the limitations as defined above shall be <br />considered unallowable costs and shall not be reimbursed to the contractor. <br /> <br /> The Contractor shall not exceed an average cost of $1600 per dwelling unit completed <br />(nOt including administrative costs) nor shail it exceed $2000 materials/replacement cost or <br />$500 repair cost on any individual unit completed. Where it is determined that the average <br />unit cost or the individual unit materials cost is insufficient to meet client needs, the <br />Contractor shall submit a written request for an Average Cost Waiver or a Materials Cost <br />Waiver to the Grantee for approval. <br /> <br /> <br />