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09/12/00 11:~6 FAX 1704784~8ll CONCORD LIBRARY <br /> <br />flow. Regarding ;mpmv~ments or othcr itcms for which these funds could be used at <br />this time at the presetlt Concord Library, I submit the following recomm~ndafiolls, <br /> <br />Front Porch of Library: through the years the pavers that floor the front porch of <br />Library have become worn, broken and uneven. In some areas footing is h~ardous <br />and the overall aplgaraucc is less than attractive. Thc pavers w~rc apparently a <br />custom item and are not commonly available. It is my recommendation that the <br />porch be renovated either with new pave~ or an appropriate aiternative surface such a <br />tile. <br /> <br />Instal! windows on south and west wails of library: When thc Library was constructed <br />in 1976, no windows wcrc located on thc south or west sidcs of thc structure. <br />Through thc years, we have experienced a variety of"pcople" problems including <br />theft, vehicle damage and other/~ppropr/ate activities of these areas. It is our belief <br />that the presence of such windows will provide visual surveillance and, consequently <br />some deterence of these problems. R is my recommendation that at least three and <br />possibly as many as six small windows be installed on these waiis. <br /> <br />Replace Library Parking Lot Lighting: Lighting in the parking lot dates from 1976. <br />At Ica~t one key unit which no longer func6ons cannot be repaked. Existing lighting <br />is not only dated but also provides inadcquatc light at night. It is my recommendation <br />that current Hght units in this area be replaced with better lighting units that also <br />conform in appcaranc¢ to current street lighting in other downtown County parking <br />lots. <br /> <br />Replace some library seating: Whilc most of the seating w~ replaced eithcr prior to <br />or at the time of the library consolidation, several older pieces remain in library <br />conference room a~d in the library kitchen/lounge area. It is my recormnendafion that <br />thc~c items be r~placed with furniture that is compatible with curium h-brary seating. <br /> <br />Relocate outside book dcp°sit: At the time of thc parking lot changes, the outside <br />book return box was relo~ated to provide better access from vehicles. However, efler <br />observing the results of that relocation for several months, it is apparent that vehicles <br />stopping to return items occasionally create a traffic l~wblem for other vehicles <br />socking to cntcr thc library lot. It appems the most likely solRtion to this ~mir~tended <br />problem is to relocate the book return box a few feet away from the present sim and <br />create a pullover lane. This will allow oth~r vehicles entering the lot to pass on the <br />right of v~.hlcles ming ~he book return. <br /> <br />Upgrade gallery lighting: Thc current adjustable lighting in thc second floor gallery is <br />also mid- 1970's vintage. It is inadequate for the various exhibits held in thc Library <br />during the year. I recommend that this light/zig be updated to provide more and better <br />display lighting that is both vcrsatilc to usc and energy eflScient. <br /> <br />7. Install library wide intercom system: This was an item approved in the 1999-2000 <br /> budgct but thc funds for which were ~directed for an emergency replacement of the <br /> <br /> <br />