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DRAFT <br /> <br /> The Board of Commissioners for =ha Court=7 of Cabarrus held an <br />organizational meeting in =he Commissioners' Nearing Room a= the Cabarrus <br />County Governmen=al Can=er tn Concord, North Carolina on Nonday, December 4, <br />2000, at 6:30 p.m. <br /> <br /> presort= - Chairman: Arno v.. Fennel <br /> Vice ~h~rman~ Carol~-n B. Carpenter <br /> Co~mtssioners ~ Jef~re~ L. Bar~har~ <br /> Sue B. Casper <br /> Coy C. prtvette <br /> <br /> ~-lso present were Mr. i~rank W. =1if=on, Jr., Coun=y Managarl Mr. <br />Fletcher L. Hat=sell, Jr., County Attorneyl and Mrs. Frank, s P. Bonds, Clerk <br />to the Board. <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel called =he meeting to order at 6.-30 p.m. <br /> <br /> Boy Scout Troop 5 of Cold Springs United Methodis= church conduc=ed the <br />Plag Ceremony. ScouUs Robbia Alexander, R~x Russell and Michael Chandler <br />participated in =he ceremony. <br /> <br /> Reverend David Christy of Spworth United Methodist Church gave the <br />invocation. <br /> <br /> UPON MO~ZON of Commissioner Cas~er, seconded, by Commissioner Privetts <br />and unanimously carried, =he Board approved the minu~es of November 20, 2000 <br />as written. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of =hairscan ~snnel, seconded by Commissioner Barnett a~d <br />~tnani~usly carried, the Board a~0roved the ~nutes of closed sessions for <br />the per~od December 1990 through November 2000 and delegated authori=y to the <br />County Manager and/or Coun=y At=orney =o unseal the closed session minutes <br />pursuant to North Carolina G~neral S=atu=e 143-318.10(e). <br /> <br /> Chairman Fennel asked ~t the followin~ ~Uems be added to the A~enda: <br />(1) Proposed transfer o~. property (Davidson Tract) by the Cabarrus School <br />Board~ and (2) Falrprounds property, including Letter Agreement, Deed of <br />Property and Lease A~reem~nt. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Comm~ssioner Carport=er, seconded by Chairman Peunel and <br />unanimously carrie~, the Board approved the addi=ion of the two items =o the <br />Agenda as listed by Chairman Faunal. <br /> <br />Dav£dson Tr&¢t of Pro~er~ - C .~barrus County Sc~ol Board <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton eX~latned the proposed exchange of apl~roxima=ely 17 acres <br />(Davidson tract} by the County School Board wou~d provide the required <br />acreage to properly alipn ~b~ schools on the Harris Road site. Re advised <br />that gradin~ began this da~e (December 4) et the site. <br /> <br /> UPON MO~ZON of Commissioner Privet=e, seconded by Commissioner Barnhart <br />and unanimously carried, =he Board adopted the following Resolution. <br /> <br /> Resolution No. 2000-28 <br />NORTH C~OLINA <br /> RESOLUTION <br />C.~BARRUS CODNTY <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Cabarrus Coun=¥ Board o~ ~ducation (the "School Board") <br />owns via condemns=ion an approxtma=el¥ 17 acre tract of land (=he "Dsvtdeon <br />Tract") and has named the Cabarrus County Roard of Commissioners (the <br />"County~) as its soon= for the dispos~tton thereof cons/sCent wi=h existiag <br />1awl and <br /> ~, J & B Development a~d Management, Inc. ("J & B"), tbrou~h <br />itsel~ or a related entity, owns approximatel~ 62 acres of real property (the <br />"School Trac=") which it wishes =o donate to the County for use for <br />construction of new elemuntary and middle schools; and <br /> WHEREAS, =he school Trac= ~s not of suf[icient size to contain all <br />additional school buildings necessary to continue =0 maintain the level of <br />education in =ha= area of Cabarrus Coun=y~ and <br /> <br /> <br />