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$74 <br /> <br />D AFT <br /> <br /> w~EAS, J & B has agreed to convey approximately 17 additional acres <br />to the County on behalf of the School Board in order to provide the requisite <br />acreage to meet school needs, in exchange for ~he conveyance to J & B of the <br />Davideon Tract~ and <br /> WHEREAS, the County is willing to waive its right to purchase the <br />Davideon Tract under N.C.G.S. S115C-510 and ~he School Board wishes to convey <br />the Davidson Tract to J & B via the a~ove mentioned transfer. <br /> NOW, '~FORB, the Cabarrua County Board of Commissioners hereby <br />waives its right to purchase ~he Davidson Tract under N.C.G.B. S115C-518 and <br />authorizes the Chair to execute any necessary instruments consistent with the <br />transfer of the Davidson Tract aa described herein. <br /> This the 4~ day of December, 2000. <br /> <br />/sf zr~k~e z. Bonds <br /> <br />Frankie F. Bonds, Clerk <br />cabarrus County Board of Comm~ssioners <br /> <br />Fai~ound~ Propert7 <br /> <br />By:/s/ Arne Fennel <br /> <br /> The Board received the documents (Letter Acjreement, Deed of Proper~y, <br />and Lease A~reement) that had been executed by officials of the Cabarrua <br />County A~ricultural Fair, Inc. Chairman Fennel pointed out that. Board <br />members had been working on the Fairgrounds property issue for a number of <br />years. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hardee11 adviaed there might be a more formal agreement as a follow <br />up to the La=tar Agreement. <br /> <br /> U~ON MOTION of Commissioner Barnhart, seconded by Conunissionar Casper <br />and unanimously carried, the Board took the following action= (1) Approved a <br />'Letter A~reement# between Cabarrus County a~d the Cabarrus County <br />Agricultural Fair, ~nc., agreeing to =he items listed below~ (2) ~cepted the <br />Deed transferring the c~rrent Fairgrounds property (approximately 11.910 <br />acres aC the in=ersectton of Cabarrus Avenue West and the Union Ce~tery <br />Road) from the cabarrus County Agricultural Fair,. Inc., CO Cabarrus County~ <br />(3) Approved a Lease A~reement between Cabarrus County and the Cabarrus <br />County Agricultural Fair for the lease of the Fairgrounds property <br />(approximCely 11.910 acres) and reinstating the lease dated August 2, 1993 <br />for an adjacent 14.20 acre tract owned by the County through December ~1, <br />2001~ and (4) Authorized the Chairman to execute ~he documents on behalf of <br />Cabarrus County. The items as agreed to in the Letter Agreement were as <br />follows~ <br /> <br /> (a) TO ~mploy Mrs. Hammill as a county employee effective <br /> January 1, 2002, to serve as staff working under the direction of <br /> ~h~ County's designated Fair Manager at the New Fair Site, among <br /> other aesigued dutiee~ <br /> (b) To hold in an interest-hearing escrow account the <br /> proceeds of sale, if any, of the ~Dera~sed Premises" and the 14.20 <br /> acre tract owned by County adjacent to the Demised Pre~/ses, as <br /> described in the Fair,rounds Lease until October 1, 2002. At that <br /> time, the proceeds, if any, shall he distributed to the County, <br /> provided Chat the County has sponsored and completed the calendar <br /> 2002 Fair as contemplated in the Fairgrounds Lease. With the <br /> written consent of the Fair Association, a portion or por~ioan of <br /> the proceeds, if any, may be distributed to the County in advance <br /> of October 1, 2002, for application upon the construction cost of <br /> the Facilities for the Fair at the New Fair Site. In -th~ event <br /> that no Fair has been held at the New Fair Site by October 1, <br /> 2002, either the County or the Fair Association n~ay institute a <br /> declare=cry judgment action in the Superior Cour~ for Cabarrue <br /> County to determine the ownership and distribution of the funds, <br /> If any, held £n escrow as though the Fair Association had <br /> conducted the Fair for 2002 ~on the Demised ~remises; and <br /> (c) The County will assu~e responn~biliCies of the Fair <br /> Association under the Deggellar Contract dated May 22, 2000, for <br /> the calendar 2002 Fair. <br /> <br />The Lease A~reement as approved by the Board is on file in the Office of the <br />County Manager and included by reference as a par~ of the minutes. <br /> <br /> <br />