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5?6 <br /> <br /> Com~saioner Carpenter expressed her appreciation to the people of <br />Cabar~ua County for giving her the opportunity to serve them. She also <br />commended members o£ ~he county staff for their work. <br /> <br /> C~lairman Fennel presented a plaque and a poinsettia to Mr. Barnhart in <br />appreciation for his ten years (1990-2000) of service as a member of the <br />Board of commissioners, including service as Chairman for the period 1993- <br />1996 and 1998-99 and as Vice Chairman from 19~0-91. <br /> <br /> Mr. Barnhart again expressed appreciation for =he support he received <br />while serving as County Commissioner and also praised staff members for their <br />work. <br /> <br />~INIS~TZON OF OATH OF OFFZ~E <br /> <br /> The Honorable Wi11iam G. Ramby, Jr., Chief Dis=rio= Court Judge, <br />ad~nis=ered the Oath of Office to Scot= Herman, $oil and Water Conservation <br />District Supervisor. <br /> <br /> ~udge Hamby administered the <br />Carruth, Robert M. Freeman a~ <br /> <br /> CA~A~RUS COUNTY <br />BO~D OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OATH OF OFFIC~ <br /> <br />~, Robert W. Carruth, do soleuully swear (or affirm)that I will support <br />the Constitution of the United S~ates~ so help me, <br /> ~, Rober~ W. Carruth, do soleuully and sincerely swear (or affirm) that <br />I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina, <br />and to the constitutional powers and aut~rities which are or may be <br />established for the government thereof; and that I will endeavor to support, <br />maintain, and defend the Constitution of said State, no= inconsistent <br />the Constitution of the United States, =o the best of my knowledge and <br />ability~ so help me God. <br /> I, Robert W. Carru=h, do solemmly swear (or affirm) that ! will support <br />and maintain ~he Constitution and laws o£ the United States, and the <br />Cons=itu=ion and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and that <br />I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Cabarrus County <br />Commissioner~ so help me, ~od. <br /> <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me, <br />this the 4th day of December, 2000. <br />{s/ William G. Hamby? Jr. <br />William G. Hamby, Jr. <br />Chief D~strict Court 'Judge <br /> <br />Robert W. Carrnth <br /> <br />Robert w. Carruth <br /> <br /> CAB~R~US COUNTY <br />BOARD OF CO~ISSIO~S <br />OATH OF OFFICE <br /> <br />I, Robert ~, Freeman, do solemmly swear (or affirm) that I will support <br />the Constitution of the Un, ted States~ so help me, ~od. <br /> I, Robert M. Preeman, do solenmly and sincerely swear (or affirm} 'that <br />~ will be faithful and bear true s/legiance to the State of North Carolina, <br />and to the Constitutional powers and authorities which are or may be <br />established for the government thereof~ and that I will endeavor to support, <br />maintain, and defend the Constitution of said State, not inconsistent with <br />the Constitution of the United States, to the beat of my knowledge and <br />ability; so help mm God. <br /> I, Robert M. Free,n, do solemmly swear (or affirm) that I will support <br />and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the <br />Cons=itu=ion and laws of North carolina not inconsistent tharswith, and that <br />! will faithfully dischar~e the duties of my office as Cabarrus County <br />Commissioner; so help me, God. <br /> <br />Robert M. Freeman <br /> <br />Rober~ M. Freeman <br /> <br /> <br />