<br /> UPON MOTIO~ of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />and unanL~ously carried, Ehe Board authorized ~he County Manager to ~i~n on
<br />behalf of ~he County the approval of the Consent Judgment in the matter of
<br />the Depar~en~ of Transportation versus Pine Ridge Properties, James
<br />Townsend, Jr , Trustee, F~rst Charter National Bank and Cabarrus CounEy.
<br />
<br />Approval of Req~/eet by Kim Russell for Outdoor A/nplification per,nit On Ma~
<br />28, 1999 at 8713 Middle,on Circle, Karrisburq
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board granted permission to Ms. Klm Russell to
<br />use outdoor amplification at an even~ at her ho~e at 8713 Middletown Circle,
<br />Harrisburg, On May 28, 1999, from l:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from 6:30
<br />un~il 9:30 p.m. with the understanding that the noise level will be lowered
<br />immediately if any complainEs are received by the Sheriff's Department during
<br />this time.
<br />
<br />Approval of Re(n/est by Brooke Isenhour for Outdoor Aznplification Pez~nit on
<br />June 5, 1999 at 606 Irish Potato Road, Concord
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved the request by Brooke Isenhour to
<br />use outdoor amplification at a wedding reception to be held at 606 Irish
<br />PoSato Road, Concord, on June 5, 1999, from 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. with
<br />the understanding that the noise level will be lowered immediately if any
<br />complaints are received by the Sheriff's Department during that time.
<br />
<br />Approval of R~qugst by Mr. & Mrs. Mark Harris for Outdoor Alnplification
<br />Pe~it on May 8, 1999 at 10400 Troutman Road, Midland
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved the request by Mr. and Mrs. Mark
<br />Harris to use outdoor amplification at an event at their home at 10400
<br />Troutman Road, Midland, on May 8, 1999 from 11:00 a.m. and ending at 4:00
<br />p.m. with the understanding that the noise level will be lowered immediately
<br />if any complaints are received by the Sheriff's Department during that time.
<br />
<br />Approval of Chanqe Order ($35,600.00) with Bro~-n Utility Company for Dam
<br />Repairs Proje~ at Frank biske Park
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board approved a change order in the amount of
<br />$35,600.00 with Brown Utility Company for the dam repairs project at Frank
<br />Liske Park. The change order included the following: $600.00 to add a six-
<br />inch valve in the outlet structure; and $35,000.00 to grade, place filter
<br />fabric and place rip lap on 1,500 fee~ on lake shoreline/dam.
<br />
<br />Approval @f Lease Aqreements with CT Conununica~ions to Upqrade E-911
<br />Telephone Equipment to be Y2K Compatible
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />and unanimousl~ carried, the Board approved the contracts with CT
<br />Communications to upgrade E-911 Telephone Equipment installed in 1990. The
<br />Contracts included the lease of equipment at the Sheriff's Department
<br />($165,634.00), Concord Police Department ($149,714.00) and the Kannapolis
<br />Police Department ($124,282.00) .
<br />
<br />Settinq a Public ~earfnq for May 17, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. (or as soon thereafter
<br />as persons may ~e heard) to Consider the Naminq of an Unn~ed Road to
<br />LaConner Driv9
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION Of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board set a public hearing on May 17, 1999 at
<br />6:30 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as persons may be heard) to consider the
<br />namin~ of an Unnamed Road as LaConner Driue (Petition 99-03).
<br />
<br />AdoPtion of ~h~ M~ndat9~ ~ab~rru~ County Transit System Substance Abuse
<br />Policy
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the Cabarrus CQu~¥ Transit System
<br />Substance Abus~ PQlic¥ as approved by the Cabarrus Count~ Transportation
<br />Advisory Board and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The
<br />Policy approved by the Board is on file in the Office of the County Manager
<br />and hereby included by reference.
<br />
<br />
<br />