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contract termination. Budget adjustments may not be made from one subpart to another, <br />Further, no less than 35% g_f total contract e×~enditures qQ ~ A, must be for <br />materials installed on units required under this contract. Unless a written request and <br />a request for budget revision is submitted to Salisbury-Rowan Community Service <br />Council, Inc and approved by the Energy Division. The written request must justify the <br />need for a reduction of the materials line based on costs contained in the NEAT audit. <br />Any change must not reduce the NEAT audit's benefit to cost ratio below 1 to 1. <br /> <br />Secticn 5: Cor~[ract$ Under Thi~i Aqreement. Unless otherwise authorized in writing by <br />the Subgrantee, the Subcontractor shall not assign any pcrtion of the work to be performed <br />under this agreement or execute any contract .~mendments or change order thereto, or <br />execute any third party consulting contracts, or obligate itself in any manner to any third <br />pady with respect to its rights and responsibilities under this agreement without the prior <br />wri~e,q concurrence of the Subgrantee. <br /> <br />(A) <br /> <br />Subcontractor Requirements.; The Subgrantee shall require its subcontractor <br />to comply with the requirements of Fart 1; Sections 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in its <br />Subcontract Agreement(s). <br /> <br />Section 6: Establishment, Maintenance,. and Accumulation of Accounting Records and <br />Program Goals. <br /> <br />(A) <br /> <br />The Subcontractor shall maintain such records and accounts including property, <br />personnel, financial, and program records, as are deemed necessary by the <br />Subgrantee to assure a proper accounting for all program funds. These records will <br />be made available for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and <br />transcriptions to the Subgrantee, the Comptroller General of the United States or any <br />authorized representative and will be retained by the Subcontractor for three (3) <br />years after the expiration of this contract unless permission to destroy them is <br />granted by the Subgrantee. <br /> <br />Funds received under this agreement shall be accounted for separately from funds <br />received from afl other sources. <br /> <br />Allowable Costs. Expenditures by the Subccntractor shall be reimbursed as <br />~,llowable costs only to the extent that they meet all of the requirements set forth <br />below: <br /> <br />(2) <br />(3) <br /> <br />be made in conformance with the Program descriptions and the program <br />budget and ail other provisions of this agreement; <br />be necessary in order to accomplish program tasks; <br />be administered in accordance with federal management circulars as <br />fclIcws: <br />a. Federal Management Circular 73-2 (34 CFR 251), entitled, "Audit cn <br /> Federal Operations and Programs by Executive Branch Agencies"; <br />b. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87, entitled, "Cost <br /> Frincipies for State and Lccal Governments"; <br />c. Ofi',qce o~ Management and Budge~ Circufar A-102 entk*fed "Uniform <br /> Administrative Requirements for Grant-In Aids to S[a[e a~d Lccsl <br /> Go,/ernmenis." <br /> <br /> <br />