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(o) <br /> <br /> d. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-110 entitled, "Uniform <br /> e. Off, ce of' Management and Budget Circular A-122 entitled, "Cost <br /> Principles for Non-profit Organizations"; <br /> Financial assistance provided under this agreement shall not be used directly <br />or indirectly: <br /> 1. for construction, such as construction of mass transit systems, and <br /> exclusive bus lanes; <br />2. to subsidize fares for public transportation; or <br />3. for subsidies for utility rate demonstrations or State insulation tax <br /> credits. <br />Materials and supplies purchased with funds received as a result of this <br />agreement shall be accounted for separately from all other materials and supplies <br />cbiained from any other source. Materials and .supplies on hand from prior <br />weatherizadon programs may be purchased at-cost, with funds received through this <br />agreement. All such purchases shall be accounted for by the Subcontractor in <br />inventory records maintained to account for funds expended under this agreement. <br /> <br />Section 7: Audit and inspection. The Subcontractor shall permit, and shall require its <br />subcontractors in writing as part of any subcontract agreement, to permit the Subgrantee, <br />the Comptroller General of the United States and the Department of Energy, or their <br />authorized representative to audit and/or inspect all work, materials, payrolls, and other data <br />and reccrds with regard to this contract and to audit the bcoks, records, and accounts of the <br />Subcontractor pertaining to this contract. <br /> <br />Section 8: Contract Changes. Any proposed changes in this contract shall be in <br />writing, submitted to and approved and executed by the Subgrantee before performance of <br />any work involved in the proposed change. <br /> <br />Section 9: This agreement is subject to and incorporates the attached Parts Il and Ill, as <br />if wriben word for word herein. <br /> <br />Section 10: The Subcontractor agrees to assist the Subgrantee in complying with all of the <br />Conditions Governing Grant~ under the National Energy Conservation Policy Act. <br /> <br />Section 11: The continued performance of this contract by the Subgrantee is <br />dependent upon the availability of funds for this purpose and the Subcontractors <br />ability to carry out the purpose, of the Weatherization Assistance Program as <br />prescribed in the North Carolina WAP State Plan (including a/l program guidance, <br />manuals, laws, rules and regulations), as well as, consistent with Part Il Section 1 of <br />this agreement. Should funds for this purpose cease to be available, this contract <br />shall automatically terminate. <br /> <br />Sec:ich 12: ;-'chesty ¢_EC.d Fide!ity Bonds. The Subcontractor shall maintain throughout the <br />dur~dcn of this Contract a Honesty and Fidelity bond that protects the program against theft, <br />damages, cr other abuses that may occur while this contract is in force. Such Honesty and <br />Fide!ity bonds should be at least 15% of the total funds awarded under this Contract. The <br />Subgrantee recommends that the Subcontractor also maintain liability insurance to protect <br />against personal injur'/and crope~y damage sustained during weatherizaiton activities. <br /> <br /> <br />