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g. P¢litical A¢ivi~;y Prohibited. None of the funds, materials, property or services contributed by <br />the Agency or the Subcontractor under this Contract shall be used in the Performance of this <br />Contrac,' for any partisan political activity, or to further the e!ection or defea~ of any candidate for <br />public o~fice. <br /> <br />10. Re/icious Activity prohibited. There shall be no re!igious worship, instruction or proselytizatgon <br />as pa~ cf or in connection with the performance of this Contract. <br /> <br />11. Com, 6fiar'c¢ with [.,o~al Law~. The Subcontractor sh. all comply with ail applicable laws, <br />cr,dina~ces, and codes of[he State and local governments. <br /> <br />12. Precert, v Management Standards. Use and disposition cf Nonexpendible .P. ersonal proc~y <br />shall be in accordance with Attachment N to Office of MAnAgement and Budget Circular A-102. <br />None×pendible Personal Prooer-t;y is defiaed as "tangible personal property havir~g a useful li~e of <br />more than one year and an acquisition cost of $.500.00 or more" (requiring an asset number and <br />tag furnished by the Energy Division). However, prior written approval is required on all <br />items with an acquisition cost of $200 or more. All nonexpendable personal property must <br />be reported monthly on the North Carolina Weatherization Assistance Program Progress <br />Report. The Subcontractor agrees, that title to all Nonexpendible Personal Property purch.~sed <br />with funds provided for the project described in Part Ill of this Agreement shall rest in the <br />Subgr~ntee and upon completion or termination of the project for any reason such property shall, <br />upon demand, be delivered to the Subgrantee. The Subcontractor further agrees tha, t the <br />Subgrsntee shall incur no liability for incidents involving property purchased with funds under this <br />contract, and Agrees to hold the Subgrantee harmless in the event that c~aims are presented and <br />upheid against the Subgrantee. <br /> <br />13. Re.certs and Inspections. The Subcontractor shall make financial, program progress, and <br />other reports as requested by the Subgrantee or the Secretary of ~he DOE, and witl Arrange for <br />on-site inspections by the Subgrantee or other representatives st the request of either. <br /> <br />14. I~ver~tc~ Control. The Subccntractor shall deve!cp and maintain adequate inventory and <br />control systems in order [o account for all materials, tools and equipment purchased with grant <br />funds. The value of Inventofj shall be reposed monthly on the Weatherization Assistance <br />Progress Reaort. <br /> <br /> <br />