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repairs will not exceed $300.00 per dwelling unit, nor involve more than twenty-~e percent <br />(25%) of a surface area (i.e. roof, floor, ceiiing, and interior/exterior walls that form the <br />envelope cf the home). Repairs should be limited to those homes where other resources <br />(i.e. Urgent Repair Program, HOME Program) are not available. <br /> <br />Reports <br /> <br /> Section 1: Monthly .Re¢orts. The Subcontractor shall submit by the sixth (6th) <br />day of each month Monthly Program Progress Repo~s to the Subgrantee on Forms <br />provided by the Subgrantee. Failure to provide these reports when due will resuR in <br />~s:,'mect not being made ¢or that month. <br /> <br /> Section 2: Quarterly Reoorts. The Subcontractor shall submit by the eighth (8th) <br />day following each calendar quarter being reported on, a Comprehensive Quarterly Report, <br />standard form 272 (Federal Cash Transactions Report) <br /> <br /> Section 3: Interim Reoorts. The Subgrantee may at its discretion request interim <br />reports frcm the Subcontractor that may be prompted by unforeseen circumstances that may <br />affect the operation of the Program. FaiIure to submit reports, when due, may result in the <br />termination of program funds. <br /> <br /> Section 4: Final Reports, The Subcontractor shall submit a final closeout report <br />and remit any unobligated cash on hand within forty-five (45} days of contract termination <br />on forms provided by the Subgrantee. <br /> <br />CIoseout reports for the Weatherization Assistance Program component noted in Part I, <br />section 4A, must include a complete physical inventory of materials remaining on hand at <br />contract termination, signed and dated by the checker and a witness. This inventory may <br />not be used after the termination of this contract by the Subcontractor, but may be sold at <br />cost to any subsequent weatherization program, with the dcIlar value to be credited to this <br />contract. <br /> <br />7'he Subcontractor shall submit to the Subgrantee such revisions and updates of these final <br />reports as may be necessary from time to time as a result of program audits or reporting <br />errors. <br /> <br />8/96 <br /> <br /> <br />