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Section 5: Establishment, Maintenance, and Accumulation of Accountinq Records .and <br /> Program Goals. <br /> <br /> (A) 1. The Subcontractor shall maintain such records and accounts including <br /> property, personnel, financial, and program records, as are deemed necessary by the Subgrantee <br /> to assure a proper accour~ting for all program funds. These records will be made available for the <br /> purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcriptions to the Grantee, the <br /> Comptroller General of the United States or any authorized representative and will be retained by <br /> the Subgrantee for three (3) years after the expiration of [his contract unless permission to destroy <br />- them is granted by the Grantee. <br /> <br /> Funds received under this agreement shall be accounted for separately from funds received from <br /> all other sources. <br /> <br /> (B). Allowable Costs. Expenditures by the Subcontractor shall be reimbursed as <br /> allowable costs only to the extent that they meet all of the requirements set forth below: <br /> <br /> (1) be made in conformance with the Program descriptions and the program budget and <br />- all other provisions of this agreement; <br /> <br /> (2) be necessary in order to accomplish program tasks; <br /> <br /> (3) be administered in accordance with federal management circulars as follows: <br /> <br /> a. Federal Management Circular 73-2 (34 CFR 251), entitled, "Audit on Federal <br /> Operations and Programs by Executive Branch Agencies"; <br /> <br /> b. Of'rice of Management and Budget Circular A-87, entitled, "Cost Principles for <br /> State and Local Governments"; <br /> <br /> c. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-102 entitled "Uniform Administrative <br /> Requirements for Grant-In Aids to State and Local Governments." <br /> <br /> - d. Office of Management an.'d Budget Circular A-110 entitled, "Uniform Administrative <br /> Requirements for Non-profit Organizations"; <br /> <br /> e. Office of Management and Budget Circular A~122 entitled, "Cost Principles'for <br /> <br />Non-profit Organizations'"; <br /> <br />(C) ~nancial assistance provided under this <br />indirectly: <br /> <br />1Braes; <br /> <br />agreement shall not be used directly or <br /> <br />1. for construction, such as construction of mass transit systems, and exclusive bus <br /> <br />2. to subsidize ¢ares for public transportation; or <br /> <br />- -jo <br /> <br /> <br />