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,,ges <br /> <br />t ldb e <br /> <br /> · FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1999 so cent, <br /> <br />Four routes are recommended between Concord, Kannapolis, Landis and China (;rove <br /> <br />Study finds need for four-city bus system <br /> <br /> The North Loop wnuld run front Ibc <br />MethL~.list Church parkin~ Iol m China (;ro~e. <br />through Landis. K,umapolis and end <br />NoahEasl Medical Cen~er. <br /> ~e Ccn~al Circulatur would s~ a~ thc <br />YMCA in Kanna~lis and go through Cannou <br />Village, ~ong N.C. 136 ~hmugh the hospital- <br />mall ~ea [o downtown Concord. past B~r- <br />Scotia Colle$e and back to U.S. <br /> The Middle Loop would begin <br />No,bEast Medical Comer and [ravel do~n <br />Church S~eet to Cogbau Avenue. go [~ough <br />~he Logan Cnmmuni~y. back to Cab~ms <br />Avenue and back to U.S. 29. <br /> <br /> The .South I.~a)I) would begin at Super <br />Kmart ('erect al Poplar Tent Road. travel <br />south on tLS. 29 past Walm~. Philip Moms <br />and conacct to Lowe's Motor S~¢dway ~d <br />Concord Mills. <br /> A link ~o the University of No~h C~olina <br />at ~lotte had ~en incl~ in e~ly d~fu <br />of the recommendations, bul it ~al cut since it <br />goes into another Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization's area. Pressley said. It ~ould ~ <br />added back by working ~i~ Mecklenburg <br />officials. A bnk to Ihe Salisbu~ system could <br />also ~ made to the North L~p. <br /> 'l~e buses could o~rae from 6 a.m. to 6 <br /> <br />pm. five days a week, Presslo ,,aid. The e~tt- <br />maled annual cost, based on 535 per hour. <br />would be $546.800. <br /> State and federal funding would pay for <br />$273.400 of thc first yearqi operation, while <br />the rest would come flora the individual <br />municipalities where ~he mutes ate and the per <br />capita usage. Pressley said. <br /> I[ no t~cs were chatged. Concord's first <br />year cstimaled share would be S170,875. <br />while Kannapolis would pay S68.350, Laadis <br />$17,087 and China Grove SI7.088, Pressley <br />said. <br /> See Bus ! page A6 <br /> <br />By MARK PLEMMONS <br />Stall Wilier <br /> CONCORD - A mass transil fi:a,dbility <br />study is rccomntending Concord. Kannapolis. <br />Landis and China Grove start a bus system. <br /> Results of a study done by Gannett <br />Fleming Corddry and Caq)enter lac. show the <br />need for public U'ansportation extending from <br />China Grove to Concord Mills. <br /> Consultant Robert Pressley said Ibere is % <br />clearly demonstrated need for s~.'hcduled tran- <br />sit service, particularly for essential trips such <br />as social sets'ices, medical and ~hopping." <br /> Four routes are recommended. <br /> <br /> <br />