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Robert N. Pressley, PE <br />Page 2 <br />March 2, 1999 <br /> <br />The surrLmary reports that 62 percent of respondents were "supportive" of the <br />proposed service. However, 4 l of 66 respondents to the general supportive/non- <br />supportive question were favorable. The 4l out of 66 equates to 62 percent, but <br />the survey introduction indicates that there were 359 questionnaires completed. <br />That means only 18 percent of respondents felt compelled to comment whether <br />they were supportive/non-supportive. <br /> <br />Report No. 3 (Service Options) focuses on fixed route bus (van) options for the <br />study area. The stated goal is "to provide transit options where there are none and <br />meet identified mobility needs." <br /> <br />Operating cost estimates for the four identified routes total approximately <br />S300,000 annually in the study. Currently, the County appropriates $500,000 <br />annually for limited point-to-point transportation using a cot~tracted van service <br />supported by limited taxi usage as required. <br /> <br />Alternative considerations: <br /> <br />Emphasis could be given to pursuit of further analysis of viable alternatives to fixed route <br />bus (van) systems. Currently, a trial express transit (bus) program s, ;~sored by the City <br />of Concord and Charlotte is underway. Also, a private bus system t, rator has <br />advertised in the region seeking to establish viable demand for transpc~rtation alternatives. <br />Both of these transit-oriented efforts need to be evaluated and measut~, d prior to further <br />pursuit of a local fixed route system. <br /> <br />There is a "true" transportation need in Cabarrus County; and it is important {hat it be <br />properly identified, measured and responded to in an effective and ec¢' ient manner. <br />Competing service funding needs will penalize an inefficient solutio <br /> <br />Thus far, I am unaware of any effort to measure local taxi services, <br />foster greater efficiencies, expanded service levels and/or competitk <br />possibility of a local program to "subsidize" qualifying taxi, limousi <br />services and other similar approaches, and we might stand a better c' <br />transportation needs more effectively. <br /> <br />)pportunities to <br />Add the <br />nd/or charter van <br />e of serving real <br /> <br />If the issue is traffic congestion/reduction rather than that of transpo <br />several alternatives are available. Van pooling, car pooling, charley <br />and ride options all serve to reduce traffic while also offering viable. <br />services. <br /> <br /> needs, then <br /> service, park <br />'portation <br /> <br /> <br />