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Transportation staff, the following objectives have been developed for the initial period of <br />planning and implementation..T?y address the question of "mobility fgr whom?" and 'at what <br />cost"? It should be noted, how;vet, that the system obiectives will change over time as the <br />system matures and other community needs ar~ addressed. <br /> <br />Objective #1 - Provide transit service to workers <br /> <br />To satisfy the journey-to-work trip requirements of area residents the focus must not simply be <br />on employers in Charlotte, for example, but on region-wide employment centers including <br />those that are local. Major destinations within the study area have sufficient employment to <br />justify a study of options. <br /> <br />The success of any new services will be dependent on a number of factors, including the <br />participation of employers in facilitating "transit access' to their locations, infrastructure <br />improvements such as park-and-ride lots, queue jumpers (priority treatment for transit at traffic <br />signals) other transit priority measures, and vehicles that transport the workers. <br /> <br />Objective #2 - Improve local services <br /> <br />The existing, very limited service provided for medical patients should be expanded to serve a <br />general population. This may involve fixed route as well as dial-a-ride services and a <br />combination of these services aimed at specific population components. Tl~¢ most obvinus <br />[~opulation group is the DSS client base of more than 400 people who use~he existin~ service. ~" <br />Expanded services for shopping, healthcare, and leisure activities are important for the <br />growing sector of the population that is not comfortable driving alone anymore. <br /> <br />The study area is quite diverse in terms of the level of development. Parts are very urban and <br />parts are suburban and rural. Services in each of these three sectors may be different. <br /> <br />Objective #3 - Riders should pay a fair share of the operating costs <br /> <br />The fact that every transit service in the United Stat~ i~ subsidi?e-q to mm~ extent ~ht~nld not <br />mean that the eh[ire cost is a taxpayer responsibility. <br /> <br />It is appropriate for a transit rider going to work to pay a share of the trip cost, and share in <br />the benefits of lower operating costs for the family car, and it is appropriate for seniors who <br />are traveling to Medicaid appointments to pay a smaller share. However, everyone should be <br />charged a fare to use the system, and the fares should contribute 30-50% of the operating cost <br />when the system has matured. <br /> <br />~e, ratin~ subsidies Coevond the farebgx return) would then be the responsibilit~t of the local <br />c~ommunities. Both Federal and State assistance is available, but will not likely be sufficient <br />on their own. A._A local source of revenue, dedicated to transit support, will be requir.ed. <br /> <br /> <br />