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Do you have an automobile available to you for most of your transportation needs? <br /> <br />No 4 2 % <br />Yes 175 97% <br /> <br />The vast majority of surveyed workers have a vehicle available to them that satisfies most of <br />their transportation needs (97%). This response, on face value, suggests a potential barrier to <br />new transit service for this employer. <br /> <br />In a typical week as you travel to and from you place of employment, how many days do <br />you: <br /> <br />Caxpool 5 days 14 9% <br />Drive 5 days 152 84% <br />Walk 2 1% <br />Other 12 6 % <br /> <br />Consistent with the high level of vehicle availability (prior item) 84% of the respondents drive <br />to work each day of the week. It is reasonable to presume that most of these trips are Single <br />Occupant Vehicle as Carpooling was offered as an alternative response (9%), although only <br />on a full, five day a week basis. The remaining 7% of surveyed workers either walk to work <br />or use a mix of other travel modes which could include car-pooling on a less frequent basis. <br /> <br />How did you get to work yesterday? <br /> <br />Carpool 3 2 % <br />Drive 157 87% <br />Friend 15 8 % <br />Walk 3 2% <br />(blank) 1 < 1% <br /> <br />When asked about travel mode for the previous day, carpooling was notably less than <br />described above for a typical week--down from 9 % on a weekly basis for a typical week to <br />2% for the actual prior day. The 8% who responded that a friend provided transportation <br />may, for practical purposes, be considered as car-pooling even if this is not the typical travel <br />mode. Driving and walking mode splits were 87% and 2% respectively, which is generally <br />consistent with the typical week responses. <br /> <br />Gannett Fleming <br />ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS <br /> <br />37 <br /> <br /> <br />