Laserfiche WebLink
· Bus system is a good idea <br />· Could care less personally <br />· Elderly people need buses for shop/medical <br />· Excellent idea, look forward to taking bus <br />· Good if serviced areas needed <br />· I feel it would be great way to get to work <br />· I think it would be great <br />· I walk to work but would like public transport <br />· I would take bus if close to home <br />· If available I would ride bus <br />· It is great for the ones close enough to use it <br />· It would be great for people who don't drive <br />· It would be great for those who need it <br />· It would be nice to have public transportation <br />· Keep us informed at work. <br />· More trains should be out of question <br />· Need transportation to YMCA <br />· Not interested <br />· Not necessary <br />· Safety would be the utmost concern <br />· Taxes are high enough, it is not worth it <br />· This would just cause increase in taxes for old <br />· Would be good for some, but not all <br />· Would not use <br /> <br />· Gender <br /> <br />Female 139 77% <br />Male 23 13 % <br />(blank) 18 10% <br /> <br />The employer surveyed shows a preponderance of female employees (77%), which of course <br />would not likely be indicative of the overall employee population in the study area. <br /> <br />Race <br /> <br />Black 13 8 % <br />White 134 74% <br />Hispanic 2 1% <br /> ........................................... <br /> <br />People of color (Non-Caucasian respondents) make up 13 % of the responses. White <br />respondents represent a little less than three quarters of all responses. The number of non- <br />respondents (31) is fairly high (17%). <br /> <br />42 <br /> <br /> <br />