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~1I:5C-.501 ART ;6 T=kX SL'PPLEMENTS F~)R~CI-IooLS ~11.5C-501 <br /> <br /> ,h, To Annex or Consolidate Areas or Districts from Cont%~uous <br />Counties and to Provide a Supplemental School Tax in Such <br />Annexed Areas or Consolidated Districts. -- An election may be <br />called in any districts or other school areas, from conti~uous <br />counties, as to whether the districts in one county shall be enlarged <br />by annexing or consolidating therewith any adjoining districts, or <br />other school area or areas from an adjoining county, and ifa special <br />or supplemental school tax is levied and collected in the districts of <br />the county to which the territory is to be annexed or consolidated, <br />whether upon such annexation or consolidation there shall be levied <br />and collected in the territory to be annexed or consolidated the same <br />special or supplemental ta.~ for schools as is levied and collected in <br />the districts in the other county. If such election carries, the said <br />special or supplemental tax slqall be collected pursuant to G.S. <br />115C-511 and remitted to the local school administrative unit on <br />whose behalf such special and supplemental tax is already levied: <br />Provided, that notwithstanding the provisions of G.S. i15C-505, if <br />the notice of election dearly so states, and the election shall be held <br />prior to August 1, the annexation or consolidation shah be effective <br />and the tax so authorized shall be levied and collected be~nning <br />with the fiscal year commencing July 1 next preceding such elec- <br />tions. <br /> ,i! To Vote School Bonds and Taxes in Certain Merged School <br />Administrative Units. -- Elections for the purpose of authorizing <br />the lex'3' of certain taxes and the issuance of bonds shall be called by <br />a merged school administrative unit described in G.S. 115C-513 <br />with the consent of the boards of county' commissioners of both <br />counties in which the merged unit is located. The election shall be <br />conducted and the results canvassed by the boards of elections of <br />both counties. The boards of elections sl~al[ certify' the results of the <br />election to the board of education o['the merged school administra- <br />tive unit. The board of education shall certify and declare the result <br />of the election, which shall be determined on an aggregate basis <br />from the results certified by the boards of elections. The board of <br />education shall publish a statement of the result once as provided in <br />the Local Government Bond Act. Article 4 of Chapter 159 of the <br />General Statutes. 1195.5. c. 135'2. art. 14, s. 1: 1957. c. 1066: c. 1271, <br />s. 1: 1959, c. 573, s. 9: 1961, c. 894, s. 2: c. 1019, s. l: 1975. c. 437. ss. <br />2-4: 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1991, c. 325. s. 2.~ <br /> <br /> Editor's Note. -- Section 115C-70. <br />ret~rred to in this section, was repealed <br />by Session Laws 1985 ,Reg. Sess.. 1986~. <br />c. 975. 3. 24. <br /> Session Laws 1991. c. 325. which <br />added subsection *i,. in 3.9 provides: <br /> "Interpretation of Act. <br /> ", a* Additional method Th,. fiwegoing <br />sections of of thi= act shall be deemed to <br />provide an additional and alternative <br />method {Or the doing of things autho- <br />rized thereby and shall be regarded as <br />supplemental and additional to powers <br />conferred by other laws. and shall not be <br />regarded as in derogation of any powers <br />now existing. <br /> '~b, Statutory references. Refi~rences <br />,n this act to ~peci~c .~ctmns or Chap- <br />ters of the General Statutes are intended <br /> <br />to be references to such sections as they <br />may be amended from time to time by <br />the General Assembly. <br /> -'lc, Lsberal construction This act. be- <br />ing necessary for the heakh and welfare <br />of the people of the State. shall be liber- <br />ally con~trued to effect these purposes. <br /> ",d inconsistent provisions Insofar <br />as the provisions of thzs act are inconsis- <br />tent with the provisions of any general <br />laws. this act shall be controlling. <br /> -lc) Severability. If any provision of <br />this act or the application thereof to any <br />person or circumstance is held invalid. <br />such invalidity shall not affect other pro- <br />visions or applications of the act which <br />can be given effect without the invalid <br />provision or application, and to this end <br />~ht, pr,,vistons of this act are ~everable." <br /> <br />403 <br /> <br />69 <br /> <br /> <br />