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~115C-.506 (il ~is,' .Er ,.~Fl( N ~113C-.506 <br /> <br />consideration. It'. in the discretion of the N~ard or education, the <br />pet~t{un for an election shall be approved, it shall be endorsed by the <br />chairman and the secretary of the board and a record of the <br />endorsement shall be made i~ the minutes of the board. Petitions ~br <br />an election to enlarge acit:,' administrative unit .,hall be subject to <br />the approval and end.rsement of both c,)untv and city' boards of <br />education which are therein affected. <br /> Local boards of ectucati,~n shall hav~ n,~ discretion in granting an <br />election to abolish a ~pecia~ school tax in any local sch,~ol adminis- <br />trative unit. nr district. (~r other school a,'ea, which has previously <br />voted a supplemental tax. whenever a maj,rity of thc, qualified <br />voters residing in said local school administrative unit. district or <br />school, area shall petition for an election. When such a petition, <br />showing the proper number of names of qualified voters, is pre- <br />sented to a board of education, it is hereby made mandatory that <br />such petition shah be ~'anted and the election held. If at the election <br />a majority of those in the district who have voted thereon have voted <br />"against local tax." the tax shall be deemecl revoked and shall not be <br />levied: Provided. that in Alexander. Anson. Beauth,,.t. Buncombe. <br />Carter~?t. Catawba. Chatham. Chowan. Ctev~qand. Craven. <br />Currltuck. Davicison. Dupiin. Franklin. Gates. Ot'uene. Henderson. <br />Hoke. Hyde. h'edell. .Sacks,re. .Iulmston. L~.noin Martin. <br />Mecklenburg. Moore. Nash. OhS[my. PamlioJ. Pitt. Randolph. Rich- <br />mond. Robeson. Rockingham. Transylvania. Vance. Wake. Warren <br />and Wilkes Counties. pet[lion of twenty-tire percent ,25';~ of the <br />number of voters in the election creating said special tax district. <br />said petition to be signed by qualified voters residing in such special <br />tax district, shall be sufficient. <br /> The provisions of this section as t,~ abolishing Ideal tax oils[mots <br />shah not be applied when such local tax district is m debt in any sttm <br />whatever, or has obligated o,' ommutted its resources in any <br />contractual manner: Provided. that n,~ electinn for rtzvoking a local <br />tax in any local tax dist,'icr shall L'e orde:'ed and held in th*> district <br />within less than ,>ne 5ear from the date of the u[ecti,m ut which the <br />tax was vd[od and the district establi.~hed, not' at any nme within <br />less than one year after the date of the last election t,r;. the question <br />of revoking thee tax in the district: and no petition seeking to revoke <br />a school tax shall be approved by a board of education more often <br />than once a year. t 19.55. c. 135'2. art. 14. s. 5: 19.57. c. 1100: 1981. c. <br />42:3. s. 1:19~35 IReg. Sess.. 1986~. c. 97.5. s. 24.~ <br /> <br />CASE NOTES <br /> <br /> Time for Holding Subsequent <br />Election Revoking Local Tax. -- Ti~e <br /> <br />~hould be computed fram the last valid <br /> <br />[',a,.'id>,m k',luntv tS2 N(' m)4. 109 S.[. <br />863 , 1.921, dt'cld-d tllld~'t t't)l'lllt-t' entre- <br /> <br />§ 115C-506. Action of board of county commission- <br /> ers or governing body of municipality. <br /> Petitions requesting' special school elections and bearing the <br />a~rova[ ut the board ofeducatton ut the local school admmtstrat~ve <br />unit shall be Dre~nted to the board ut cotmtv colnnll~;Sli'lllei'N nnr ,t <br />shat[ be the duty of said board of c,untv commissioners to cai1 an <br />~lection and fix ihe date tbr the sump: Provided. that the board of <br /> <br />406 <br /> <br />72 <br /> <br /> <br />