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§115C~507 AR'r :',6 TAX :q'PPI,E.MENTS F~,R S¢'HI,I)L.s ~115C-507 <br /> <br />education requesting the election may. tbr any reason deemed <br />sufficient by said board which shall be specified and recorded in the <br />minutes of the board, withdraw the petition by the twenty-fifth day <br />before the election, and if the petition be so withdrawn, the election. <br />shall not be held Unless by some other provision of taw the holding <br />of such election is manda'torv. In the case of a city administrative <br />unit in any incorporated cit~; or town and fi)treed from [~ortions of <br />contiguous counties, said pe}ition shall be presented to me govern- <br />lng body of the city or town situated within, coterminous with. or <br />embracing such city administrative unit. and the election shall be <br />ordered by said governing body. and said governing N~dy shall <br />perform al1 the duties pertaining to said election performed bv the <br />board of county commissioners in elections held under tins AtZticle. <br />(1955. c. 1372. art. 14. s. 6: 1959. c. 72: 198l. c. 423. s. 1:1993 IReg. <br />Sess., 19941, c. 762. s. 9.~ <br /> <br /> Editor's Note. -- Session Laws 199:1 <br />~Reg. Sess.. 1994~ c. 762. s. 9. which <br />amended this section, was effective -tan- <br /> <br />uary 1. 1995. and applicable to all prima- <br />ties and elections occurring on or after <br />that date <br /> <br />CASE NOTES <br /> <br />Duty of County Commissioners <br />Ministerial. --Tho county c,mm~i~,mn- <br /> <br />order an election. After the bnard ,5t' <br /> <br />education has approved the petition, the <br />duty' of the commissmners is mm::t,~rial <br /> <br />B,~lr',l ,,t' E[l~c v B,)ard of C~mnty <br />1923. decided under t%cmer corre- <br /> <br />§ 115C-507. Rules governing elections. <br />All elections under this Chapter shall be held and conducted by <br />the appropriate county or municipal boarci of elections. <br /> If the purpose of the election is to enlarge a city administrative <br />unit, the notice of election shall include thc t.ollowing: a statement of <br />the purpose of the election: a legal cl=scription of the area within <br />which the election is to be held: and a statement that if a majority <br />of those who shall vote in the area proposed to be consolidated with <br />the city administrative unit shall vote in favor of such enlargement <br />such area shall be consolidated with the city administrative unit, <br />effective July I next following such election, and there shall there- <br />after be levied in such area so consolidated with the city adminis- <br />trative unit the same school taxes as shall be levied ir~ the other <br />portions of the city administrative unit. including any tax levy to <br />provide for the payment of school bonds theretofore issued by or for <br />such city administrative unit or for all ,ir some part of the school <br />area annexed to such city administrative unit. unless payment of <br />such bonds has othe~vise been provided tin-. <br /> The notice of the election shall be given as provided in G.S. <br />163-3318~ and in addition include a legal description of the area <br />within which the election is to be held, ~ind. it' any additional tax is <br />proposed to be levied, the maximum rate of tax ~o be levied which <br />shall not exceed the maximum prescribed by this Article, and the <br />purpose of the tax. <br /> No new re~stration of voters's required, but the board of <br />elections, in its discretion, may tis: ither Method Aor Method B set <br />forth in G.S. 163-288.2 in actlvat,- .,: the voters in the territory. <br /> <br />407' <br /> <br />73 <br /> <br /> <br />