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,'llhC-510 \Wr ;, T.\X-I'PPI.EME>77~ F'~RF~ i-{~;,~L.'~ ~115C-.510 <br /> <br />next ti)Ih)wing such election, omvey and transfer to the board of <br />education ,ffthe ctt~ administrative unit the property so agreed to be <br />conveyed and transferred. , 13.57. c. 1271. s. 8. 1981. c. 42:3. s. 1.~ <br /> <br />.~ 115C-510. Elections in districts created from <br /> portions of contiguous counties. <br /> <br /> Districts already created anct those that may be created from <br />portions of tw,) or more contiguous counties may hold elections <br />under this Article to be incorporated or to v,)te a special local tax <br />therein for the purposes enumerated in G.S. 11.5C-.501. <br /> Electi,ms fi*r either purpose must be initiated by petitions from <br />the portmn of each county included in the district, or the proposed <br />district. In districts ah'eady created or proposed to be created, the <br />petition must be signed by fifteen percent {15C;) of the re~stered <br />voters who reside in the area. ~k'hen the petitions shall have been <br />approved by each of the boards of education of such contiguous <br />counties, they shall then be presented by each of said boards of <br />education to their respective boards of county commissioners. <br /> The boards ~fcommissioners of each of the contiguous counties, in <br />compliance with the provisions of this Article relating to the conduct <br />,',f local tax elections, then shall call upon the county board of <br />elections to hold an elecrh)n in that p~rtion of tb, e proposed district <br />lying in i~.s county. Election returns shall be made t'rom each portion <br />,of the proposed district to the board of commissioners ordering the <br />election in that p{wtion, and the returns shall be canvassed and <br />recorded as required in this Article fi)r local tax districts. <br /> Ifa majority of the voters who vote thereon in each of the counties <br />shall vote in favor of the tax. or for incorporation, the election shall <br />be determined to have carried in the whole district, and shall be so <br />recorded in the records of the board ,)fcotmty commissioners in each <br />county in which the dist'Ac't is located. <br /> If thc pr,~postti,t,n sc~bmitted to the v,)ters in the election is a <br />question ,}t' h~corp,,ratmg the district, the ballots fo,' this election <br />shall have printc, d thereon the win'ds "Em' Incorporation" and <br />"Against Incorporation." [.r the election for incorporation is carried. <br />the district is thereby incorporated and shall possess all the author- <br />ltv of incorporated districts. <br /> 'In case the election carried in each portion of the proposed district, <br />the several county boards of education concerned shall each pass a <br />formal order consolidating the territory into one joint local tax <br />district, which shall be and become a body corporate by the name <br />and style of". ........................................................ ,Joint <br />Local ~Fax School District of. ...... Counties." The county board of <br />education having the largest school census and the largest area in <br />the part of the joint [,)cai tax district lying in its county shall <br />determine the location of the schoolhouse: but it' the largest census <br />and largest area do not both lie in the same county, then the county <br />boards shall jointly select the site tbr the building: and in case of a <br />disagreement they shall submit the question to a board of arbitra- <br />tion consisting of three members, one member to be named by each <br />board of education if three counties are concerned, or if there are but. <br />two counties, then each board shall choose one member and the two <br />so named shall select the third member. The decision of this board of <br />arbitration shall be binding on all county boards of education <br />concerned. <br /> <br />409 <br /> <br />75 <br /> <br /> <br />