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~115C-5E~ ('~£ I1~' EDLCATION §115C-511 <br /> <br /> Thc buildin.~ of all sch,~oibouse~ in such joint local tax districts <br />~hall be effected by the c(mnty b~a,'d of education of the county in <br />which ~he buildinK i.~ to be h,catcd under authority of law governing <br />~he ~recti,~n ,~t' ~cho.1 buildings by county boar~s of education. It <br />shall be lawful tbr th~ boards of education in ~he other county or <br />counties t~ contribute ~o ~h~ cost or,he building in proportion to the <br />number.fchildren shown by the o~cial census lobe resident within <br />that part of the joint district lying within each county respectively. <br />It' ~he buildin~ is to be erect~,d t'ro,n moneys borrowed from the State <br />[.icerary Fund or fi'om c.unty taxation, then each county board of <br />educati.n 4hall c, mtribute t. it~ construction in the proportion set <br />out above and pay .ver its contributmn to the treasurer of the county <br />b~)ard having c,mtrol of the erection of the building: Provided, <br />shall be la~l'ul t;~r the county b.ard that controls the erection of the <br />building to borrow from the State and lend to the district the full <br />amount of the cost of the buildingin cases where the entire amount, <br />or part of the amount, is to be repaid by the district from dist~ct <br />fhnds. <br /> All district funds ora joint local tax district shall be kept distinct <br />fl'r~m ali other funds, placed to the credit of the district, and <br />expended as ~ther local tax or district bond funds are lawfully <br />di.bursed. <br /> Th= c.unty b~)ard at' education and county superintendent <br />sc}a,~,,ls at'the county in which tho scho.lhouse is located shall have <br />as full attd ample contr~[ ~sver the joint school and the district as it <br />~as in the case of other local tax districts, subject only to the <br />limitations of this section. <br /> All districts fbrmed from portions of contiguous counties before <br />the ratification of this Article are hereby authorized and empowered <br />to exercise all the powers and privileges conferred by this Article. <br />~ 1955. c. 1372. art. 14. s. S: [98t. c. 423. s. 1: 1985{Reg. Sess., <br />c. 975. ss. S. 24., <br /> <br />~ 115C-511. Levy and collection of taxes. <br /> <br /> ct II'zL l,~ca! administrative unit or district has voted a tax <br />~,~ ,~perate sch, ot'a higher standard.ttlan t~hat nrovided by <br />and county sunoort, the board of county commissioners 6f each <br />county in which the local school administrative unit is located is <br />authorized to levv a tax on all property having a situs in the local <br />school administrhtive unit tbr the purpose of supplementing the <br />local current expense fund. ~-he capital outlay fund, or bat}!. ' <br /> ,b, Betbre April 1.5 ofeach year. the tax supervisor of each county <br />in which the local school administrative unit is located shall certify <br />to the superintendent of schools an estimate of the total assessed <br />value at' property in the county subject to taxation on behalf of the <br />local school administrative unit and any districts therein pursuant <br />to this Article. The board of education, in the budget it submits to <br />the board of cduntv commissioners, shall request the rate o..f. ac[ <br />'valorem tax it wishes '~o have levied on its behalf as a schogi <br />{uoolemental tax, not tn excess at' the rate approved by the voters. <br />The board of county commissioners may approve or dis'~.pprove this <br />request in whole or in part. and may levy such rate of supplemental <br />tax as it may find to be in the best interests of the taxpayers and the <br />public schools, not in excess of the rate requested by the board of <br />education. Upon approving a supplemental tax levy pursuant to this <br /> <br />410 <br /> <br />76 <br /> <br /> <br />