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secti,m, thc b,,ard al' cotmtv cnmmissioners shall cause the school <br />~uppbrment~d tax t. be comp,xed [br aLl property subject thereto. <br />~he taxe~ cha~ co~pt~ted ~hall be shown ~eparatel.y on the county <br />~ax r~cemt~ tbr th~ fiscal year, and the county shall collect the school <br />supplemental tax in the same manner that count~ taxes are col- <br />.[ec~ed. C ~tiections shall be remitted t ~ the local school administra- <br />ttve unit within ~0 days a~er the close of each calendar month. <br />Par:iai payments shall be pr,>portionately divided between the <br />county and tho b>cal school administrative unit. The board of county <br />conm~>si,mer~ may. in its discretion, deduct t>om the proceeds of the <br />~q'h,,,,I >L~pp',t. mcnt:t~ tax the actual additi.nal cost to the county of <br />le~ yin:', om~putmg, billing, and collecting the tax. <br /> ,c, [t shal{ he tmlawful [br any part ot'u tax levied pursuant to <br />this Article t,~ be used [br any purpose other than those purposes <br />authorized by the election in the unit or district. ~ 1955. c. 1372. art. <br />14, s. 9: 1965. e. 584, s. 1~; 19Th. e. 437, s. 6; 1981, e. 4ga, s. 1.~ <br /> <br />§ 115C-512. Expansion of existing supplemental <br /> school tax area pursuant to merger of <br /> school administrative units in certain <br /> counties. <br /> <br /> ~a, Th~s sucti~m applies <br /> . 1, k'otmtte, ~hat have thrt:~, sch,~ol administrative units lo- <br /> cated ~ntireb- within the county, only one of which units <br /> has :z supplemental schnol tax m effect that is levied <br /> exclusively by tho elected school board of the administra- <br /> tt~e ut:it. <br /> ~2, Countie~ that have three school administrative units, two <br /> which :u'c er~tit'~-ly wkNin the county and one <br /> <br /> .b, [~' a school administrative unit tn a c.unty t,) which this <br />section applies mere'es ~th another school administrative unit in <br />the c,)un~v, and one ,f thc merging units has previously voted a <br />supplemental ~cho, d r~tx that is in e/'K, ct prior to and :xt the time of <br />the merger, ri~en the geographic area subject to the supplemental <br />school tax in effect prior tt~ the merger shall be expanded to include <br />the entire geographic area encompassed by the new school admin- <br />istrative unit resulting frnm the merger. The levy and collection of <br />and the expenditure of revenues from the tax shall be expanded as <br />herein provided without approval of the voters of the geo~aphic <br />area directly affected bv the merger, and shall be used iht purposes <br />provided in G.S. <br /> ~bl~ If legislation is enacted providing for the merger of two <br />school administrative unks located entirely within a county de- <br />scribed in subdivisi,n la>~2~, and one of the mergqng units has <br />previously voted a supplemental school tax that is in effect, then <br />fi'om July 1. 199t. and tbr two years following the effective date of <br />the merger, the board ofcommfssioners of the county in which the <br />units are located may create a special tax dis icl pdrsuant to this <br />Article consisting o~ one of the merging units and may levy a <br />supplemental school tax in that district at a _-ate that is different <br />from the rate levied in the remainder of the ' ~rged unit. The tax <br />levied in the special district may be levied w: ,ut approval of the <br />voters of the district but may not exceec e amount of the <br />supplemental sch,,ol tax previously voted in o: :the merged units. <br /> <br />411 <br /> <br />77 <br /> <br /> <br />