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~1[.5C-5[:~, cfi ~(' KOI,',-XTI~N ~L15C-513 <br /> <br />The supplemental sch.,d tax levied pursuant to this subsection may <br />be used fi.- any purpose tbr which a board of education may budge~ <br />funds under Article 31 of Chapter 115C ,)f the General Statutes. <br /> ~c, Notwithstanding levying authority in existence prior to the <br />merger, the b,,ard of county c,mmissionersshall, upon mergerofthe <br />administrative units, have the exclusive authority to levy the <br />supplemental tax expanded in accordance with this section, pro- <br />vided that the tax shah be levied at a rate not to exceed the rate of <br />the supplemental ~ch~,>l tax in ef[~ct prior to the merger of the <br />school administrative units I t9~9. c. 768. s. 1: 1991. c. 325, s. 1.) <br /> <br /> Editr~r'~ Note. -- ~4,...i,.~ [.,~x~ 19ql. <br />and added .ub-ectl,.~ bt. in ~ 9 pr.- <br /> <br /> "'a Additiotlal meth.d The [brcgoing <br /> <br />provide an addttiomfl and alternative <br />method tbr the dom~ of things m~tho- <br /> <br />th~ G~neral Assembly <br /> ' c, L~beral construction. This act, be- <br />ing necessary tbr the health and welfare <br />of the people of the State, shall be liber- <br />ally const:rued to effecC these pur~se~. <br /> -'d, Inconsistent provisions. Insofar <br />as the provisions of this act are inconsis- <br />tent with the provisions of any general <br />la~xs thi~ act shall be controlling. <br /> "- qeverabitity If any provision of <br />th~- tc~ or th~ application thereof to any <br />~,~-,-~ or circumst:mce ~s held invatid. <br />-,;c?~ :nvaltdity shall not affect other pro- <br />vl-lqn- ,*r applicatmns of the act which <br />can be given effect without the invalid <br />pr-vtMon or application, and to this end <br />the pru'.isi,ms of this act nrc severable.' <br /> <br />§ 115C-513. Special tax for certain merged school <br /> administrative units. <br /> <br /> ~ ~' Scope -- This s~,ctbm applies to a merged school administra- <br />tive unit th2t con~sts of one entire cc. unty and part of a second <br />county and i< c,,mposed of two mergin~ units, one of which is located <br />within ,~n~' c,~unr5 and one nfwhich i< h>cated partly in the same <br />county as thc- fir<t unit and partly tn a second county. A merged <br />school administrative unit to which this section applies may levy <br />taxes as provided in this section to be applied to the payment of <br />notes, bonds, or refunding bonds issued to finance capital costs of <br />school facilities as described in G.S. 159-48. <br /> fb~ Issuance of Bnnds. -- The board of education of a merged <br />school administrative unit may issue notes, bonds, (,r refunding <br />bonds at one time or from time to time to pay the cal.[tal costs of <br />schoo[ facilities as described in G.S. 159-48. The bo~ds shall be <br />issued and maintained in accordance with the provisic, ~ of Articles <br />1. 4. SA. T. 9. 10. and 11 of Chapter t59 of the Genera[ Statutes, <br />except as modified bf' this suction. <br /> The board ,ff education of a me,'ged school adminh::rative unit <br />shall cml for a referendum authorizing the issuance of: '*res, bonds, <br />and refunding bonds and the levy ora tax to pay amc .-.ts relating <br />to these notes, bonds, or refunding bonds. The referent, am may be <br />called only with the consent of the boards ofcommissic ,ers of both <br />counties in which the merged school admimstrative u, is located. <br />The referendum shall be held in the merged school a: inistrative <br />unit and only those qualified voters who reside in the u ... may vote. <br /> <br />412 <br /> <br />78 <br /> <br /> <br />