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~115C-514 <br /> <br />CH. 115C EDL'CATION <br /> <br />§115C-517 <br /> <br /> Editor's Note.-- Ses_-mn Law~ L991. <br /> <br />provid~_- "Interpretation of Act. <br /> "a~ Additional method. The foregoing <br />sections of of this act shall be deemed to <br />provide an additional and alternative <br />method for the doing of things autho- <br />rized thereby and shall be regarded as <br />supplemental and additional to powers <br />conferred by other laws. and shat[ not be <br />regarded as in derogation of,my powers <br /> <br />:n this act to specific sections or Chap- <br />:ers of the General Statutes are intended <br /> <br />the General Assembly, <br /> ~*¢~ Liberal construction. This act. be- <br />ing necessary for the health and welfare <br />of the people of the State. shall be [iber- <br /> <br />ally con~trued to effect these purposes. <br /> '~d, [rlconslstent provisions. [nsofar <br />as the pravisions of th~s act are inconsis- <br />tent with the provi,-,ions qf any general <br />laws. this act shall be controlling. <br /> "re~ Severability. If any provi*ion of <br />this act or the application thereof to any <br />person or circumstance is held invalid, <br />such invalidity' shah not affect other pro- <br />visions or appiicauons of the act which <br />can be given effect without the invalid <br />provision or application, and to this end <br />the prov~smns of this act are severable.' <br /> Session Laws 1995. c. 46. s. 21 pro- <br />~tdes that the act ts effective July 1, <br />!.995. and applies to obligations issued <br />on or at'ret that date. <br /> Session Laws 1.99.5. c. 45. s. 4. which <br />amended this section, was effective July <br />1. 1995 and applicable to obligations <br />issued on or after that date. <br /> <br />§§ 115C-$14 through 115C-516: Reserved for future codi- <br /> fication purposes. <br /> <br /> ',, <br /> <br />ARTICLE 37. <br /> <br />Sites and Pro <br /> <br />§ 115C-517. Acqu~ition of <br /> Local boards ~] educa_tilX~ n'~av <br />houses or other school faci5 ' <br />school administrative unit: <br />school administrative unit ou <br />other school facilities such as r~ <br />the boundaries of the locai <br />any such board is unable <br /> <br />suitable sites for school- <br />within or ~vithout the local <br />~y be operated by a local <br />its own boundaries, although <br />shops, may be operated outside <br />unit. Whenever <br />~r enlarge a suitable site or <br /> <br />right-of-way for a school ag, school bus garage or for a <br />parking area or access suitable fo~xschool buses or for other <br />school facilities by' ~ft : trchase, cond'~mnation proceedings to <br />acquire same may be j4 i ed by such boalxl under the provisions <br />of Chapter 40A of t~14~ General Statutes. and'~t~he determination of <br />the local board of ~ucation of the land necessa~ for such purposes <br />shall be conclusi~. ~ 1955, c. 1335; c. 137~ art. 1~. 1; ~957, c. 683; <br />1969, c. 516; 1~1~. 290; 1981, c. 423, m 1; c~12~s. 78; 1995, c. <br />199's'1" Z .' ~ <br />Hil~Carrbd~ School Administrative tire U~: c. ~. -- ~- <br />Unit: ~7-407. ~. 2: Chartotte- ~ <br /> <br /> 414 <br /> <br />80 <br /> <br /> <br />