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Cabarrus County <br />Sheriff's Office <br />Robert M. Canaday, Sheriff <br /> <br />Mr. Fletcher Hm-lscll <br />Hartscll. Ha_rtsetl & While <br />77 McCachem Blvd. SE <br />Concord, NC 28O25 <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Hartscll: <br /> <br />In 1967 Cabarms Cotmty adopted an ordiuance entitled "Use of Firearms". <br /> <br />Since becoming Sheriff I have interpreted the ordinance to mean there would have Io be two or more <br />homes and/or homes ,and businesses situated physically within 300 feet of each other continues along a <br />road frontage to coustitute a residential or business district as defined in the ordinance. <br /> <br />We now have a complainant who adaumatly interprets thc ordin,'mcc othcnvise. <br /> <br />The complainants interpretation of' the ordinance is tlml if you have two or more residential or business <br />enmmces within a continuous distance of 31)0 feet along a road or highway then that constitutes a business <br />or resideutial district according lo thc ordinance. <br /> <br />I don't think either imerpretation would make complainanls home a residential district because there arc no <br />other residences or businesses within 300 fcct of his home. <br /> <br />1 have attached an aerial photograph depicting thc homes im'olvcd in Ihis situation. <br /> <br />A= Complainants Residence <br /> <br />B= Nearest Neighbor to complainants home <br /> <br />C= Suspects home (Built since aerial photo taken) <br /> <br />D= Location from which shots are fired <br /> <br />E= Location of Target being shnt at <br /> <br />F= New home built since photo taken <br /> <br />If we usc the car on Old Salisbury Read as the guide for scale, approximately l/Sth inch eqtmls 15 feet. <br />1 doubt lhat our con¥1ainant will ever accept anything that is not consistent with his interpretation but I <br />ueed a legal counsel interpretation of this ordiuauce so that I along with John Q. Citizen cfm undcrstm~d it. <br /> <br />If the ordiuance cannot be intcrprctcd lo auyone's satisfacliou then we may need lo amend it to reflect whal <br />is intended by the ordinance. <br /> <br />I await your lcgal interpretation of this ordiuancc and gmidance iu Ibis mailer. <br /> <br />Robert M. C,'uu~day <br />Sheriff <br /> <br />Attaclunents: Aerial Photograph <br /> Copy of Ordinance <br /> <br />P.O. BOX 525 25 CORBAN AVE. S.E., CONCORD, N.C. 28026-0525 PHONE (704) 788-3108 OR1 NC0130000 <br /> <br /> <br />