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OFFENSES AND MISCELL.~NEOUS PRO%qSIONS $ 45.3 <br /> <br />Sec. 46-1. Finding of fact; unauthorized pres. <br /> ence in county facilities and the <br /> surrounding premises prohibited; <br /> penalty. <br /> <br /> (a) Count)' facilities, includingthe county court- <br />house building, have been constructed and such <br />building"~ and the surrounding premises are main- <br />tained for the use of the general public in trans- <br />acting business with the offices, agencies, depart- <br />ments or courts that are housed in the facilities. <br /> <br /> (b) It is in the best interest of the public that <br />the buildings ,and the surrounding premises not <br />be a gathering place or center for persons who do <br />not have any business or are not present to <br />transa~ tony bushness with any of the offices, agen- <br />cies, departments or courts located in the build- <br />ings. Therefore: <br /> <br />(1) <br /> <br />No person shall be or remain inside any <br />county facilities, including the courthouse, <br />or on the surrounding premises owned by <br />the county to include the adjacent walk- <br />ways, yards and parking lot, unless he is <br />present for the conduct or transaction of <br />business with any of the offices, agencies, <br />departments or courts located in such facil- <br />ities, is present as a spectator in the public <br />section of any courtroom, or is present as a <br />spectator at any public meeting of the board <br />of commissioners or other county agency or <br />any other public meeting authorized to be <br />held in a county facility, including the court- <br />house. <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />Any person who is not authorized to be in- <br />side any county facility or on the sur- <br />rounding premises as set out in subsection <br />(1) of this section and who remains on such <br />premises after having been instructed by a <br />county employee or law enforcement officer <br />to leave the premises, shall be guilty of a <br />misdemeanor and, upon conviction, may be <br />punished in accordance with section 1.7. <br /> <br /> (c} The use of skates, skateboards, etc., is pro. <br />hibited in or about county facilities and sur- <br />rounding premises unless expressly permitted by <br /> <br />formal authority of the board of c0uncy commis. <br />sioners or county manager. <br />(Ord. of 2-9-78, §§ i, 2~ <br /> State law reference-Use of county prope~y. G.S. <br />153A-169 et seq. <br /> <br /> Sec. 46-2. Use of fireaxms. <br /> <br /> (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to use <br /> and discharge any firearm, BB gun, or air com- <br /> pression gun of any kind, nature, make, or de- "~ <br /> scription within a d/stance of 500 yards of any <br /> business or residential district in the county sit- <br /> uated outside the corporate limits of any and all -- <br /> municipalities in the cminty. <br /> <br /> Co) A business or residential district within the <br /> meaning of this section shall be that territory con- -- <br /> tinuous to a street or highway where 75 percent <br /> or more of the frontage thereon for a distance of <br /> 300 feet or more is mainly occupied by dwellings ~ <br /> or by dwellings and buildings in use for business <br /> purposes. <br /> <br /> (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed so -- <br />as to prohibit any person from discharging any <br />firearm in protection of his person, family, guests, <br />or property. <br /> <br /> (d) Any person violating the provisions of this <br />section shall, upon conviction thereof, be pun- <br />ished in accordance with sectio.n 1-7. <br />(Ord. of 7-3-67, §§ 1-4) <br /> Crosa re ferences-Pozsession, transportation and transfer <br />of dangerous weapons during st2te of emergency, § 22.58; fire- <br />a~ms in parks prohibited, § 50-6. <br />Special act~ referonce-Centerfire dries, pt. I, art. VII. <br />State law referencee-Authodty to reffulate, restrict or <br />prohibit the discharge of firearms, G.S. 153A-129; authority to <br />regulate the use of pe].let g~ns, G.S. 153A-130. <br /> <br />Sec. 46-3. Operation of vehicles on raceways <br /> or drag.strips; penalty. <br /> <br /> (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to op- <br />crate or allow to be operated a motor vehicle on <br />any raceway, racetrack, or drag-strip in the county <br />after the hour of 12:00 midnight, whether or not <br />the vehicle is engaged in speed competition with <br />any other vehicles. It shall further be unlawful <br />for any person to run or allow to be run the motor <br />of any vehicle designed to engage in racing or <br />speed competition after the hour of 12:00 mid- <br /> <br />CD46:3 <br /> <br /> <br />