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Comment: See G.S. i43-318.1 l(a)(l) <br /> <br />To consult with the county attorneY or another attorney employed Or <br />county m order to preserve the attorney-chent privilege. . <br /> <br />Comment: See G.S. 143-318(11 (a)(2). The statute provides that general policy matters may not be discuSSed <br />session closed m order to consult w~th the county attorney, and the mere fact that the county attorney ~s pamcapa~tt~g <br />in a board meeting is not grounds to close the meeting. The statute further provides that the board may consid~d <br />give instructions to the attorney concerning handling or settlement of any pending litigation or other matter rn <br />controversy, but the to-ns of any settlement (other than a malpractice claim again a public hospital) must bo <br />to the board of conmdssinners and entered in the minutes "as son as poss~le with _an a reasonable time'; ~d~ <br />settlement is concluded. <br /> <br />To disciisS ma{ters rela~:to th~]6cati°n 0r expar/~i0n °f indii.~tfie~ or 6th~ <br />businesses in the county. <br /> <br /> Comment: See G.S. 143-3 l 8.11 (a)(4). <br /> <br />4. To consider and take action with respect to the position to be taken by the <br /> negotiating the price or other material terms of an agreement for.the acqm~ttp, n~9_r <br /> lease of real property. <br /> <br /> The statute does not perrmt a closed session to d~scuss negot~attons:~? <br /> Comment: SeeG.S. 143-318.11(a)(5). " ' ' ' - ..... <br /> purchase or lease of personal property. . . '_..,.' <br /> <br />5. To consider and take action with respect to the position to be taken by the <br /> negotiating the amount of compensation or other material terms of an emplo~en[ <br /> contract. ' :~ <br /> <br />6. To conmder the Lmt~al employment or appointment 0fan mSv~dual to any offic~ <br /> positron, other than a vacancy on the board of county commlssmners or any <br /> public body, and to'¢Onslder the quahficat~ons, competence, perfoiiiiance, cham~ct~.r~ <br /> and fitness of any pUbliC officer or employee, other than a member of the <br /> commissioners or of some other Public body. <br /> <br /> Comment: See G.S. 143-318.11 (aX6). Fhial action on a~pgiii'.t~, ents and discha!ges must be taken in Ol:~n Se~ion~i~] <br /> sta~te specifically prohibits dlscassmg gencrai personnel p~ llcy Issues in close~ scsslon~ at ~l!~ ~r-Ohlblts <br /> <br />does not preclude discussion qf~ re ~,~V!r~g frgm offic,~_an_m. ~vl~.pffi~er. o_~r ._e!n~ ploy~e~. _.w~io~j.s_~o_t~a~ .e~b~o~ _a'~ <br />~ody." <br /> <br />7. To hear or mvesttgat, e a .chage or ¢o...mplamt by.or~agatnst an m~¥g.d_u~a! pi~licj.o_ .fl~..~ <br /> or employee. <br /> <br /> <br />