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· ' ( L'I. ,..,,J 0 <br /> <br />STATE OF NORTil CAI~t}LINA <br /> <br />COUNTY OF CABARRUS <br /> <br /> Tills I,E^SE ACREENENT, nnde and entered into thle the _/',~'~'day <br /> <br />of ~ ~,~(l:~ . .I , 19~.~*_. , ~y and bet~,een the STATE OF <br /> <br />NIIRTII CAROLINA, heroinnfter referred to ns I,essort natty of the first <br />mart, nmi the COU;rrY flF CABARRUS~ herelnnfler referre~ tn aR <br />pnr~. of the second part; <br /> <br /> TIIAT~ ~I~I(RA~, the N~t:th Corn[Ina I)c. pnrtment o~ Uum,~n <br /> <br />Division .[ Y,~urh gnr~'lce,i and N~rCh C;Irollnn hepnr:ment j',[ Apr'l~ulture, <br /> <br />~::ll(' I':11'~1 ~ll~'r;ILl~qIN ~Iml~['is.iCHl~ hnv~:;lulh,,Flz~'d ;l~d apl~rnw,,I thc <br /> <br /> lilll(~l~AS, th~' ~.xl'rul It'll of thl~ n~rt.em.'.nt for nnd f,n hr. hnlf nf the <br />Since of Ilnrch Carollnn has be¢,n doly npproved by the (:overnor ami Council <br />of Since ntn meeting hehl In the C{cy of {}n{e{Rh, N~rth Core, lima, on the <br />let day of Nay, 1979; nnd <br /> <br /> ~UEREAS, the pottles hereto have mutunlly agreed :n the t~rma <br /> chis Lense Asreement ns hereinnfter se: forth; <br /> <br /> NO~, T}IERE~RE, in cnnstderntton oF the praises and the <br /> <br />and cnvennnCs con:aimed tn :he :erm~ and conditions herelnnf:er sec nut, <br />Lessor doeN hereby renL, lense n~ d~t.e unto Lessee for nnd durin~ <br />turn and under the terms nnd conditions herelnnfter ~e: forth, <br />premises, ulth nil rights, privileges and appurtennnces :herenntn belnnR- <br />inR, Iyhtg ami being In N.. 11 Tnvnshlp, C;llmrrua County, N~rrh C;lrnlina, <br />on Lbo N.rth side ¢,[ S:ouRh Rend, nd.{olnlnR the prnperty of Clnrence <br /> <br /> Sink, {:;~rl 1~. {{}nckve]d¢,r, ,Ir., ;ind Plct~lro P.qrk Suhdlvl~lnn, The Rnbertann <br /> Service, ~ne., nnd ocheys, nnd more pnrZleulnr2y deacrlh~t n~ fei <br /> <br /> <br />