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51: <br /> <br />26 - <br />BECINNINC nt on old concrete mnn,,menL, a corner of C~Lri D. <br />Blockveider, Jr., And Picture PArk Sul)divl.qion; ~nd runs <br />thence ~lch the line nf elm Picture Park Suhd~v[~lon, S. <br />30-57 ~. 999.52 ~t co .[ence port, a corner of Picture Park <br />Subdivision; thence tun ney lines a~ {o[Inus: [a~ S. ~5-06- <br />J5 E. ~33.92 ~t. co a reoee post; 2,0, S. l/-3~-l~ g. 1799.3~, <br />ft. Co An old atone, an o]d ~Arner; thence vita the line <br />The Robercann Service Co., Inc., And Tr~y R. Aha Ruth <br />Cook, a. 63-~0-35 ~7. 1785.0~ re. re a triple Elm, corner of <br />~)uk; thence eontalnulnR vita the line or Cook, N. 85-69-27 <br />~. ~9~.25 ~t. to Afl old c~ncrete monument~ thence f~ve (5) <br />ol~ ltne~ 8~ fo]lovs: 1sc. N. 80-56-/,5 ~. IRg. OR {c. co nn <br />extsttn8 iron pin; 2~, H. 80-53-~ ~. ~29.~ ft. to afl <br />existing Jron pin; 3rd, H. 80-53-37 ~. ~IR.O~ ft. co 8n <br />ex,sting &run ptn; 4th, N. 80-55-ki ~. 197.61 ft. to an <br />ex&sting i~on pin; 8nd 5ch, S. 23-02-08 ~. 137.3~ ~ co an <br />existinR iron pin in the Ho:th ~e of Stough Road; thence <br />vith cae North edge of Stough R~ad, N, 66-50-46 ~. <br />ge. to an existing iron pin, an old corner In the line of <br />Clarence O.. Sink; thence vita the line of Sink, N. 27-50-23 <br />E. 21~2.75 ft. to a set iron Sotlth of the Philip Horris <br />spur right of cay; thence contimJIng rich the line of <br />N. 27-41-35 E., ero~sing the Philip Norris rail spur right <br />of cay, 2~6.95 ft. to nn old concrete mnnnment, corner o~ <br />C~rl D. Blackvelder, Jr.; thence vit'h the l~ne of Blnckvel,ler, <br />S. 77-~6-60 E. 2307,07 ~. to the BEfilNNING, containing 191.89 <br />acres, as surveyed ami plotted by Coot'oral EnRlneerlnR nmi <br />S. rveylng, Inc., June 8~ 1979, nnd ~,bJect to a 100-1oat <br />vide right nE vny for n ra:l spur heretofore conveyed to <br />Philip Norris, Inc., said right of v,~y belnR aborn on <br />aforesaid sudsy. <br /> <br />THE TE~IS AND Ct~NDITIONS OF THIS LEASE AGRE~E~ ARE AS FOI.I.O~S: <br /> <br />1. TO HAVE AND TO IIOloll sold inased premises for a period o£ twenty- <br /> <br />(25) years, commencing nn the 13th day nf August, 1979, or as .qoon <br /> <br />thereafter ns possession Af the lensed premises ia ceded tn I.e.~soe, and <br /> <br />terminating on the 31st day of August, 2006. <br /> <br />2. 'th. I,e~lsco shall pay tn Lessor ss rental for said premises the <br /> <br />sum of ONE DOLl. AR per nnnum, vhlch s.m shall be paid on the anniversary <br /> <br />of each successive period. <br /> <br />3. lc Is expressly understood and ;Lgrevd between the parties hereto <br /> <br />thuc the property described herein Is to be used by Lessee for the con- <br /> <br />and Agrees that should the said property not be developed ~lti~in five ),earn <br /> <br />o[ the date.of tht8 tnstruraent or should it cease to be used for such put- <br /> <br />poses, thou this lense shall terminate and shatl become null. and vnidl and <br /> <br />Lessor shall be entitled tn immediate ~onsesslon of the leased premises. <br /> <br />6. To separnte the park area from the farm operations of the I.essor, <br /> <br />I,esnee shah cnnstrunt and maintain n satiable fence around the premises <br /> <br /> <br />