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(a) The clerk to the board shall prepare the agenda for each regular, special, and emergency meeting. <br />A request to have an item of business placed on the agenda for a regular meeting must be received <br />by 10:00 A.M. five (5) working days prior to the meeting. Any board member, may, by a timely <br />request, have an item placed on the agenda. <br /> <br />(b) The agenda packet shall include the agenda document, any proposed ordinances or amendments <br />to ordinances, and supporting documentation and background infomiation relevant to items on the <br />agenda. A copy of the agenda packet shall be delivered to each board member at least ninety-six <br />(96) hours before the meeting. Documents in the agenda packet, if not previously available for <br />public inspection, shall become so when packets have been delivered to each board member or left <br />at his or her usual dwelling. <br /> <br />(e) The board may, by majority vote, add an item not on the agenda. <br /> <br />Comment: Because of the increased volume and complexity of the matters they must consider, nearly all <br />boards use an agenda. Some boards use an agenda only to organize the material and to give themselves <br />an opportunity to study the issues before they meet. These boards generally allow last-minute additions <br />to the agenda by general consent, and this rule takes that approach. Other boards use their agenda to <br />control the length of meetings, and will often hold a work session before the regular meeting to ask <br />questions and thoroughly explore the proposals to be voted on at the meeting. Generally these boards do <br />not allow late additions to the agenda unless an emergency exists. <br /> The manager may for convenience maintain a ma/ling list of interested parties wishing to receive <br />a copy of the agenda regularly. <br /> <br />Rule 10. Informal Public Comments. <br /> <br />The clerk to the board shall include on the agenda of ~ regular meeting of the month at least <br />fifteen (15) minutes for comments or questions from the public in attendance. The chair will first <br />recosmze individuals or groups .~av:ng ma~e aF~c,:n~mc, n~a ~o bc ~h~i ~¥O~gb~¢~ a <br />~~~g, and then may recognize others, subject to available time. The chmr <br />may specify the time allotted to each speaker. When the fane set aside for informal public comments <br />has expired, the chair will recognize further speakers only upon motion, duly made and adopted. <br /> <br />Comment: The board may decide as a general policy to set aside part of each meeting for individuals or <br />groups to address the board. The rule allows any individual or group to get on the agenda but lets the board <br />decide whether there is time to hear its comments. <br /> <br />Rule 11. Order of Business. <br /> <br />At regular meetings, the board shall proceed to business in the following order: <br /> <br />-I-.~. Invocation <br />g.~. Approval of Minutes <br />~. ~;pproval of the agenda <br /> <br />~.~. Old Business <br />4.7. Consent Agenda <br /> <br /> <br />