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28~ <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />The Commissioners will: <br />1. Be responsible for the construction of all public school buildings <br /> in Cabarrus County. <br />2. Be directly responsible to the taxpayers of Cabarrus County to <br /> ensure that all construction methods and designs are cost efficient, <br /> safe and functional. <br />3. Select and approve all architects, contractors and others receiving <br /> taxpayers' monies, using a public competitive bidding process, for <br /> the construction of public school buildings. <br /> <br />The Committee will be made up of seven (7) members and consist of: <br />· One - Architect <br />· One - Construction general contractor <br />· One - Realtor <br />· One - CPA or accountant experienced in the construction <br /> industry <br />· One - Construction engineer <br />· T%~O - At large interested citizens <br /> <br />The terms appointed to the Committee will consist of two for <br />three years, two for two years, and one for one year. All <br />reappointments or new appointments will be for a period of three <br />years. <br /> <br />The committee must meet a minimum of monthly and will be <br />compensated at a nomlnal fee for the attendance at meetings. The <br />fee will be determined by and changed from time to time by the <br />Commissioners. <br /> <br />** Amended by Commissioner Fennel after discussion to read: ~The <br />School Board and Board of Commissioners jointly will select.." <br /> <br /> In response to Commissioner Fennel's proposed resolution, Dr. Winkler <br />stated the School Board had proposed that the two boards join together in the <br />process for new school construction. However, he stated the School Board has <br />no interest in turning construction over to the Board of Commissioners. <br />Further, Dr. Winkler stated the proposed resolution was unacceptable and that <br />the Schools would challenge the issue in the Courts if approved. <br /> <br /> Chairman Barnhart suggested that Dr. Winkler and Mr. Clifton work out <br />plans on how the Construction Oversight Committee should be set up and <br />present this information to the current Education Subcommittee for review. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton recommended that the County employ the firm of H.R. Gray to <br />handle the technical aspects in the review of architects and building <br />procedures. He stated this would help to avoid professional liability issues <br />as most architects do not want to be involved in a controversial review of <br />building plans. <br /> <br /> There was further discussion regarding the proposed Resolution by <br />Com~issloner Fennel. Commissioner Privette stated he would second the motion <br />by Commissioner Fennel. <br /> <br /> Stating in his opinion that 5,000 additional classroom seats could have <br />been built with the $130 million spent during the past five years and <br />expressing the need to move ahead with the construction of schools in a cost <br />efficient way, Commissioner Fennel withdrew his motion. He recommended that <br />the Board move ahead with the reconciliation process suggested earlier in the <br />meeting by Chairman Barnhart. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by CommiWsioner Carpenter <br />and unanimously carried, theBoard approved the following: <br /> <br />(1) If the Board of Commissioners and the Board of education can <br /> agree on an architect and agree on a design for a new school, the <br /> Board of Commissioners commits to move forward with funding at <br /> least one building depending on what the numbers are. (Existing <br /> Fund Balance can be used to purchase land and pay for architect.) <br />(2) Any commissioner who wants to submit an architect's name should <br /> submit it to Dr. Winkler's office by Frlday, September 3. The <br /> Schools will send out requests to architects to determine who is <br /> interested in the project. The list of architects will be given <br /> to all commissioners. <br /> The education Subcommittee (County Commissioners Barnhart and <br /> Privette and School Board Members Le~ and Williams) will proceed <br /> <br /> <br />