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(~) <br /> <br /> DRAFT <br />forward concerning a recommendation for the selection of an <br />architect. <br />The County Manager and School Superintendent will work out a <br />proposal concerning the establishment of an oversight committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton stated he and Dr. Winkler will develop an estimated <br />timetable for consideration at the next Board meeting. <br /> <br />Conceptual Desi~ of New Park on <br />Director, and Andrew Pack, Woolnert <br /> <br />Orphanage Rood - Stave Little, Recre&~lon <br />hLP Consultant <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Little introduced the proposed conceptual design of the new <br />park to be built on Orphanage Road as recommended by the North Cabarrus Park <br />Steering Committee (representatives from Cabarrus County, City of Kannapolis <br />and Church of God Children's Home). The Committee also recomraended that the <br />Park be named the "Orphanage Road Park". Mr. Little also reviewed the design <br />process, including input from the general public. Finally, he reported the <br />~nnapolis City Council had approved the concept plan but recommended that the <br />restroom facilities be included in the first phase. <br /> <br /> Mr. ~uldrew Pack, Consultant with Woolpert LLP, presented the recommended <br />concept plan for the new park. The concept plan provides for a mainly passive <br />park but will include some athletic recreation areas. The estimate of probable <br />construction costs totaled $2,787,740.00 and included the following phases: <br />Phase I - Entrance Drive and Picnic Area; Phase II - Restroom and Picnic Area; <br />Phase III - Picnic Areas/Informal Athletic Fields; Phase IV Nature <br />Trails/Pedestrian Bridges; Phase V - Parking Lot/Mountain Bike Trails; and <br />Phase VI - Tennis Court Complex. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Casper reported that the Humane Society had inquired about <br />the possibility of including an area to walk dogs within the park. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the conceptual design plan for the <br />North Cabarrus Park as presented and authorized staff to proceed with the bid <br />process for the approved concept plan based on available funding. Further, the <br />Board deferred action on the naming of the park until a later date. <br /> <br />Cabarrus County Area BMX Track Proposal for Frank Liska Park - Steve Little, <br />Recreation Director <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Little, Parks and Recreation Director, presented the proposal <br />by Harrisburg Youth Association to construct a BMX Track (bicycle) at Frank <br />Liske Park. The Association would be responsible for the construction, <br />operation, supervision, maintenance and management of the facility. Much of the <br />material and dirt for the B~X facility will be donated; however, the <br />Association has asked that the County pay for the installation of electrical <br />service to the facility at an estimated cost of $10,000.00 to $15,000.00. If <br />approved by the Board, a formal use agreement will be prepared between the <br />County and the Youth Association. <br /> <br /> There was brief discussion regarding the proposal, including the <br />potential for similar requests from other organizations and restoration of the <br />property if the track should close at some time in the future. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart,~ s~conded by Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the Cabarrus County Area BMX Track <br />Proposal for Frank Liske Park subject to sign off by the State to the proposal. <br /> <br />Information Tachnoloav Services ~ Authorization to Solicit Conatruc~ion ~ide <br />for Modifications to Office Space <br /> <br /> Mr. David Harmon of DDB Architecture has developed a new floor plan for <br />the Information Technology Services office space at an estimated construction <br />costs of $153,~00.0~ plus other associated costs of approximately <br />(cabling, technical workbench, cubicles/workstations}. The Board had discussed <br />the issue of office space modifications during a budget work session earlier <br />this year. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Privette, seconded by Commisaioner Casper <br />with Commissioners Privette, Casper and Fennel and Chaiinnan Barnhart voting for <br />and Commissioner Carpenter voting against, the Board directed staff to solicit <br />construction bids for modifications to the Information Technology Services <br />office space at an estimated c0nst~ction cost of $153,000.00. <br /> <br /> <br />