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09/14/99 TUE 10:55 FAX 17049391401 DSS ~005 <br /> <br />TO: Bob Edmundson, Food Stamp E & T Pro. am Manager <br /> <br />FROM: Jnmes F. Cook, Jr., Director, Cabarrus County Depnrtment of Social Services <br /> <br />DATE: September 13, 1999 <br /> <br />lh'oposal for Use of 100~ E & T Funds for a Special Project <br /> <br />Cabarro9 County has consistently tried to utilize funding in the most creative and <br />efficient ways possible in a continuin$ effort to help fitmilies move ~om welfare to work <br />to self-sufficiency. Our proposal for the 100% E & T ~und9 is no different. We would <br />like to submit this application proposing the use of some contracted stafi~ supportive <br />services, and existiNg staff to provide employment and job retention services to the <br />ABAWD population in om' county. This would be innovative, but also adhere to some <br />principles that have proven to be successful with our State and National ~ward winning <br />Jobzf~r Dads Program. which operated successfully in Cabarrus County for <br />approximately seven years. Our existiNg staff is very f_~miliar and adept at worUlnS with <br />hsrd to serve clients. 'With this expertise, coupled with some additional co,t~'acted staff <br />and supportive services, we f~el that we can have an impact on this ABAWD population, <br />and better ensure that they are employed before their time limit for receiving Food <br />Stamps is exhausted. With this being said, our proposal to your office is as follows: <br /> <br />PROJECT NAME: JOBS FORABAFFDs <br /> <br />NEED FOR THE SERVICE: At any given time, Cabarrus County has approX~mntely <br />one hundred (100) Food Stamp oUents who Fall into the category of'ABAWDs. Unless <br />they are workin~ the required number of hours, they are llmi~ed to only three (3) <br />consecutive nmnths of ben, fils in a year. Even though they don't receive benefits after <br />this time, they are still non-productive, and require other assistance such ns housing, <br />genmsl usistancc, and are a continual drain on the limited resources of the benevolent <br />orsa~iT-~tions and churches in our eonnty. It is because of this, that we see the need to <br />turn this population around and make them productive working citizens of Cnbarms <br />County. This wilt allow these limited resources to be hotter I~_'1_17-~ in assisting families <br />with youn8 Ghildren, and th~ elderly and disabled who need it. <br /> <br />HOW THIS PROJECT W~.L MEET NEEDS: The bottom line with the ABAWD <br />population is that they need to go to work. ConsideriNg the work history and education <br />of iimny ofthem, this is easier said than done. Our phn is to tarset ABAWDs as soon u <br />they are identified. This may be when they apply or when their status changes. We will <br />also target those who are appro,,_e~ing the Ion of Food Stamps, and will provide social <br />work services to counsel, support, and refer them to appropriate resou-ees inside and <br />outside of our egen~. In addition, wc will bye on-site Employment Se~utity $taffto <br />~ssist them and send the_~ on job interviews immediately or as soon as the social worker <br />deems them job Feady. Once employed, we will utilize om' on-site Sob Retention <br />Specialists who are contracted to us through United Family Services for our Welfare to <br />Work Program. Whey will provide counseling and support Stoups to better ensure <br /> <br /> <br />