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00/14/99 TUE 10:56 FAX 17049Sg1401 DSS ~006 <br /> <br />stability of employment for the newly employed ABAWDs. There will also be the <br />benefit of transportation services to help them get stabilized on ~t job and arrange <br />alternate means of transportation. We will utilize some supportive assistance to help <br />them in meeting some unexpected expenses that they may encounter when starting a job, <br />such as clothing, tools, licenses, etc. In essence, what we are proposing is that we will <br />provide anything necessary to get the ABAWD employed and eliminate as many barriers <br />as possible as to why they can't work. <br /> <br />OUTCOMES OF TRi~q FROJECT: We would anticipate that a sisntflcant nmnber of <br />ABAWDs would 8o to work through this prosram. In a prol~am using similar methods, <br />"Jobs fee DMZ", we placed more than 75% of the eligible absent non-custodial parents <br />into employment throush the use ofimense social work se~icea. We would anticipate <br />that the ABAWD population would be no more difficult than this to work with. Through <br />job r~te~tion services, we would attempt to ensure that a high percentage of ABAWDs <br />remain employed at least six (6) months afrer securing jobs. <br /> <br />NUMBER OF lC dr T PARTICIPANTS TO BE SERVED: Our records indicate that <br />at any given time, we have approximately one lnmdred (100) ABAWDs who are <br />receiving time limited Food Stamps. Also, it appears iht each month approximately <br />tltlrty (30) come into the system, and a like number drop offdue to elisibility terminating. <br />Our desire would be to initially start tuening and serving the newly eU$ible ABAWDs <br />and besin workin8 with those who are already in the prostam, and requh'e social work <br />asslstanee and support to obtnin employment. <br /> <br />TOPULATION SERVED AND TARGET GROUPS: The population to be served in <br />this project will be the ABAWD group. We will target two (2) _fllstinct Stoups to serve. <br />They are as follows: <br /> 1. Newly identified ABAWD clients. Once we learn ora new client in this category, <br /> we will take immediate steps to assisn them to a social worker for assessment ns to <br /> needs, barriers to employment, and skills. The short-term service plan will be <br /> initiated in order to Set them job ready as quickly as possible. <br /> 2. ABAWDs with multiple barriers to employment, This Stoup, no matter how <br /> many month_~ they have been Food Stamp reoipients, will have a distinctly mor~ <br /> difficult time in securin8 employment after t~Kdnation. This is due to & number of <br /> factors, which can include low education and skill levels, lack of housing, or a lack <br /> of supportive services such u transportation. <br /> <br />PRO,fi, CT BUDGET: See attached budget <br /> <br />TIME l.~NZ AND BENCHMARKS: If approved, ',his project would officially begin <br />on Outuber 1. 1999. The projected Pine line for having staff and prosram in pla~ will be <br />u follows: <br />), October 15, 1999: Social worker and pm-time E$C lnten~viewer in place at DSS <br />~, November l, 1999: Social worker, ESC Interviewer, smd Clinical social worken <br /> from Job Retention area hained as to this population's needs, nnd services to clients <br /> <br /> <br />