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__ 09/14/99 TUE 11:05 FAX 17049391401 DSS ~007 <br /> <br />December 15, 1999: Social worker serving a full caseload of 60 ABAWD clients. <br /> <br />There will be benchmarks to measure the success of this program. As this population has <br />not been served this intensively before, results could vary. They are as follows: <br />~> Newly identified ABAWDs assessed within two (2) weeks of identification. <br />~ Depeadin8 on length of time already on the program, all ABAWDs identified with <br /> skill and education deficits placed in short term training and education prolgarns <br /> within one (1) week of identification. <br />~ Seventy five percent (75%) of assessed ABAWDs from both categories employed by <br /> the t~me tl~tt their Food Stands terminate, <br />~. Sixty two percent (62%) ofempioyed ABAWDs continued in employment after six <br /> (6) months. <br /> <br />MANAGEMENT OF 'IT/K PROJECT: Thc ",fOB8 FOR,4B,4FFDg' project will be <br />managed from the Employment Section of the Family and Children's Services Division. <br />Supervision will be provided by the Social Work Supervisor II, who supervises the <br />Employment Services Unit. Technical supervision will be provided by the Income <br />Maintenance Caseworker IH who serves u the asency Food Stamp expert. <br /> <br />COORDINATION WITH OTI~.R AGENCII~S: There will close coordinetion with <br />other community agencies, Most noticeable will be the working relationship with the <br />local Employment Security Commission, We will contract for the service~ oran <br />additional ESC ~terviewer for 50% of the time. Tbey will locate jobs and send s~sessed <br />ABAWDs on interviews. The Cenl~alina ~or¥orce Development Bomtwill serve in <br />the capacity of being the body that notifies and educates employers in the area, <br />particularly those who are willis8 to work with clients in job trai~in$ activities, about this <br />project. The Cooperat/ve Christ/an Ministry, with outstationed staff at DSS, will <br />coordinate services to assist ABAWDs in securin$ basics for job stabilization, such u <br />housins, medicine, emersency food, etc. The Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce <br />wilt use their orgn-~-Jtlon as a vehicle to let employers in the ~re~ know about this <br />project and solicit support for it. They will also assist us in notif,/ing us of changing <br />t~nds for empioymem in the county in order to keep us abreast of these changes which <br />can benefit our clients. (See letto,-~ of support included from Employment Security <br />Commission, Centntlina Workfor~ Development Board, Coopetnaive Christian Miniatry, <br />and Cabarms Resional C~mber of Commerce) <br /> <br />LOCAL LABOR MARKET NEEDS: At the present _time, Cabarms County is in a <br />position where there are mere jobs than there are workers to fill them. The <br />unemployment rate is presently at 1.9%. There are jobs in a wide variety of aress in the' <br />county. Retail is ~undant, u the C~ordM~_P_~_ Mall, ope~n~ in September, has <br />several thousand available jobs at competitive wages. In manufacturing, Os~ng is <br />opening later in tho y~x with good wages also. Traditional jobs in food service and <br />textlle~ are available also. Even though transportation ia an issue, we are working to set <br />up van transportation to Concerti M'd/t, and anticipate having this at a reasonable cost. <br /> <br /> <br />